Saturday, October 30, 2010

Normal blogpost *gasp* :O

To maintain a semblance of a normal blog, here's something more blog-like ^o^

I've been lacking sleep for the whole week *_* Every day I'm sleeping at around 3am and I'm waking up.. in the morning *_*; I thought I was pretty strong, being able to sustain myself through the whole week~ But here I am today, starting to get a headache T_T I feel a fever coming on, even

I seriously hate headaches.

I have a very strong weakness towards pain above the neck (that's what someone diagnosed me once, no, she isn't a doctor) I remember last week, I had a headache so bad I couldn't sleep for hours.. I put so much minyak angin and ate a few panadols even.. still nothing T_T Even tried vomitting, no good.

I pray to God that tonight won't be a sequel of that night.. (help me out man, even though I didn't subscribe to any of your religions or 'believe' in you.. ;__;)

On a healthier note, November's comings soon! *O* I'm so excited to start this nanowrimo thing~ I bet I can't finish 50k words.. but it's great practice!!

I'm starting to really lean towards writing for a living.. books, fiction or self-help, philosophy or .. religious >D nah. I'm even fine with articles for magazines or websites (newspapers?)~

I'm really interested *_* ...but I'm a full fledged amateur and I have close to zero knowledge about anything, since I'm always daydreaming in my own private world... XD;

Oh my, what a depressing post T_T I'm gonna go home now to get some rest. Bye ^o^/


  1. yes, sleep. sleep is good. go sleep. let's see how many times i can type the word sleep in one comment. ok, this is getting lame.

  2. no its not lame! sleep is really good =o= *wishes he could sleep now*
