Monday, March 28, 2011

The three brothers

For those of you who were looking for what happened to the three bears in the previous post, look no further...

Today's story, on the other hand, is a lot more... philosophical? I dunno, its certainly a lot more 'serious' sounding :3 Without further ado;

The Three Brothers

A long time ago, there were three brothers.

They all grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools. They were really bright kids and had really good ideas and intentions to make the world a better place.

Because they originated from the same school of thought, it would've been totally awesome if they worked together towards their common goal, and in hindsight it seems only logical to do so. But you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20 while foresight is blind.

So eventually, due to certain small differences in their methods, the brothers eventually converged towards their own seperate paths.

The eldest brother was the kindest of them all, but he was not very enterprising. He had, however, noble intentions and had a very sound basic framework on how to carry out said noble intentions, a trait actually shared by all three brothers.

The problem (though it could be argued that it might be a blessing in this case) with the eldest brother, lets call him J, is that he did not have big ambitions and was a lot more passive compared to his brothers. This would play a big part in their future where J gets pushed around and bullied by not just his friends but even his brothers as well

Many still followed J and his laid-back ways towards making the world a better place, some of them proving to be the most loyal followers that stuck with him through the hardest of times.

The second brother, on the other hand, was very enterprising and had the gift of communicating to people and coaxing them into subscribing to his methods. In other words, he was the perfect PR guy of his time. Lets call him C. C was very influential and spread his ideals far and wide. He is by far the most successful of the three but also the most tainted with.. unethical methods.

You see, even though they all meant well and had the main goal to make the world a better place, C had a lot less ethics compared to his brothers and would go to any lengths to persuade others to his ways. To continue with the analogies, C would've been an unbelievable successful businessman if he were alive today, as he packaged and sold his idea very well.

The youngest brother, which we would refer to as M, was ironically stuck between his two elder brothers in terms of his abilities. He had a lot of the same qualities of C, but did not possess his elder brother's ability to persuade others.

M was, however, unbelievably daring and had a lot of self confidence in himself. His methods were lined out perfectly as a perfect guideline that if followed, would eventually result in the ideal world. Like his brothers before him, many subscribed to his ideals, which were wonderfully easy as they seemed only instructions to be followed and requires almost zero effort in decision making.

Due to the perscriptive nature of M's methods, he was also very pushy and seemingly narrow minded, alienating whomever and whatever that stood in his way and even exorts to extreme acts sometimes, which were justified by the fact that following his plan would eventually make everything better, even if it meant sacrifices had to be made.

It wasn't long before C and M's ideals would clash and resulted in unresolved bad blood between the two brothers. The two faught over everything and eventually took it out on their eldest brother as well, who put up very little resistance anyway.

It is unbelievably ironic when one looks at the big picture of the events that happen and realize that at their core, all three brothers have the exact same intentions and subscribe to the same basic ideas, but could not work together at all due to seemingly petty differences.

Sometimes, it is those small, insignificant differences that creates the biggest conflicts.

This is why seemingly simple ideas like 'world peace' are horrendously difficult to achieve, I guess ^o^;

Friday, March 25, 2011

Storytime ^o^

Once upon a time, there were three bears; a mama bear, a papa bear, and a wee little tiny baby bear. They lived in a cottage in a forest and enjoyed taking long walks to the other side of the forest for no apparent reason. They’re bears, after all.
One day, when they were off on their little stroll, a young lady with beautiful golden locks sneaked into their cottage. She envied the bears’ lavish cottage lifestyle and longed to taste porridge, sit on chairs and lie down on beds.
It was only a little while before Goldilocks discovered that not all chairs were comfortable. She sat on papa bear’s chair and found it way too rough. She tried sitting on mama bear’s and sunk into it because it was too soft. Half an hour later, she managed to climb out of the chair and sat on baby bear’s chair and it felt good.
Sitting on chairs does work up an appetite, so Goldilocks skipped off to the dining table to sample the fine porridge sitting on the table. She was too excited and bumped into the table, knocking all three bowls onto the floor.
“Oh no!” she cried, “Whatever should I do now?”
A quick glance around showed no cleaning utensils to help ail her problem, so she squatted down depressingly next to the puddle of porridge and sighed.
“And I wanted to taste the porridge so badly…” she sulked as she twirled her finger in the porridge.
One of Goldilocks’ redeeming traits was her uncanny ability to be overwhelmingly optimistic, so she bounced right back up and made her way upstairs to try out the beds instead. She licked the porridge off her finger and was surprised that it tasted pretty darn good~
“This feels like shopping at Ikea…” she mumbled to the floor. “Oh wow, three beds!”
She jumped onto papa bear’s bed and sprained her ankle. “Oww! ..maybe it’s a table..” she complained while climbing onto mama bear’s bed.
Mama bear’s bed was like any ordinary bed, but it smelled weird. Goldilocks didn’t feel very comfortable and soon snuck into baby bear’s bed and it was heavenly.
She soon fell into a deep slumber with hopes that her sprained ankle will heal by the time she wakes up. “Goonite..” she dozed off.
* * *
Seven hundred years later, a young girl wearing a red hood skittered hastily across the very same forest.
Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH) was in a rush to see her ill grandmother. She was a kind young girl but had a serious case of farsightedness. She could hardly see anything within a hundred meters of her and often bumped into walls or tripped on toadstools.
Her Red Riding Hood™ served the same purpose as the red light on a traffic light, telling people to STOP at sight to let her through. It also adhered to nature’s color scheme of ‘extremely dangerous’ as LRRH’s farsightedness lets her be one of the most fearless creatures in the land, because she couldn’t see what she was fighting. You don’t fear what you don’t see.
So by sheer fate, LRRH stumbled into the now deserted three bears’ cottage thinking that it was her grandmother’s little hut. “Wow, this place certainly grew.” She wondered, tiptoeing to reach the doorknob. Oh yeah, LRRH was also called ‘Little’ for a reason; she was half the size of a normal human girl. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee.
“Grandma~ its Little Red Riding Hood~ ^o^” she called out and head straight up to where she thought was her grandmother’s bed.
She found her grandmother sleeping as usual, and noticed the striking golden hair crowning the bed. “Grandma, you did your hair~” she shook her grandmother awake endearingly.
After what felt like four hours of shaking, Goldilocks opened her eyes for the first time in seven hundred years and stared at the little girl who was shaking her.
“Grandma! What big eyes you have! *o*”
Goldilocks responded with a resounding yawn.
“Grandma! What big teeth you have! @o@”
And the two girls promptly passed out into a coma due to the stench of Goldilocks’ mouth.
* * *
Moral of the story: Remember to brush your teeth before you sleep, kids! >O<

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You know you're under work stress when accidentally formatted your brain while updating your blog (WHO AM I @O@) get insanely hungry for no apparent reason (ok that happens to me everyday T_T;) post more than one blog post in a day (ok not true I post two every time because I simultaneously update LJ)

...argh I mean more than one blog post in the same blog in a span of hours! (oki :3)

...your last two blog posts are insanely long philosophy blog posts that have zero coherency and waayy to many trains of thought (that derail and crash into each other CHOO CHOO ^O^) get a Twitter account for no apparent reason (*chirp* :3)

...and forget what else you wanted to say -_- (uh..)

... bye ^o^ (tata~)

Freedom fighters fight AGAINST the prospect of freedom! ;o;

I have been labeled as a freedom fighter of sorts. Though I don't really like the connotations associated with it (because I can't live up to the cool imagery of a freedom fighter sob sob), I do think that 'freedom fighter' suits me pretty well.

The main reason I'm called a freedom fighter is because I seem to be (from the tone of most of my blogposts) fighting for the freedom of thought, of speech, of everything. Long story short, I always, always preach and advocate to you to do whatever the hell you want ^o^

While this is true, I'm actually very torn about the issue. The more I think about it, I'm kinda against the fact that we should do whatever we want. I don't know how to start explaining though. I have not the time or actually bothered to lay out my whole philosophy and epistemology right here on this blog, most of what you've seen are just bits and pieces, tips of many icebergs ;D

If I were to map out each and every one of my thoughts on, er, everything, it would make the most tl;dr blogspot I've ever made look like a tweet -3- In fact, I think it would take so much time that if I were in a cyber cafe I'd be declared immediately bankrupt after I'm done with it.

What's more, I'm afraid that by doing so I might actually end up writing something akin to a holy scripture and become revered by a newfound religion based on my.. bullshit *_* I've always fancied the idea of creating my own religion, but nah, I don't want the responsibility attached with being a god.. I've got no time to worry about other people +_+

Oh well, at least now I know that if I do, I'll die soon after because I couldn't pay for the internet and be martyred off shortly after. Did you know that its an accepted fact that someone has to die before any of their work can be truly appreciated? Something about not being able to declare any of your masterpieces your 'best work' because as long as you're alive, you still have the potential to top whatever you've done.

...aiya. See, derailed again XD;

Coming back to advocating freedom. According to what's been mapped out in my mind, the ideal world would be one that doesn't require any sort of rules, regulations, governments, not even money! Everybody does whatever they want, whenever they want :D

But there's a catch. There always is a catch, isn't there? :\

In an ideal world where everyone is free to do whatever they choose to do, everybody has to be fully responsible for themselves. Everybody has to think for themselves and fend for themselves. When everybody  is too busy doing whatever they want, nobody's got any time to help you.

Of course if you have great critical thinking skills (or are just an ass in general) you would think of the possibility that there'll be people who live to help other people. I'm definitely not one of those people (I also have a very twisted theory on that, but that's a story for another day) so lets assume they won't exist ok T_T

After all, the first few good samaritans would exist out of sheer probability, but sooner or later they will be swamped by useless people who will gladly latch onto the help they give and according to Mr Darwin, C., these outliers will sooner or later become extinct. Weeded out through nature's equilibrium sustaining mechanism - survival of the fittest.

So in order to live in this less than ideal world, one has to be totally responsible for each and every action. You've got all the freedom you want, sure, but with great power comes great responsibility T_T It sure sounds like a great environment to nurture self-sufficient people... But how are any of us, a generation of humans who grew up being told exactly what to do and not to do, going to survive in such an environment?

Its not like its impossible, no, of course not. People adapt. The strongest will survive. Its an ideal world, after all, so of course there wouldn't be any faults in it. The problem lies with me. I put myself in such an environment and I think "oh my god so damn leceh la.. I have to think and work hard all the time?! I have to decide everything all the time?" I can't even decide what to eat for dinner!

Too. Much. Decisions. T_T

I haven't even touched on how such a society would function. Well, there wouldn't even be a society. It'll be chaos. Think of a t-junction without a traffic light. You don't even need to have a lot of imagination (especially if you live in a bustling city full of humans) - ever saw a traffic light break down? Total anarchy on the road.

Only drivers with balls get to go, narrowly missing accidents, while the weak and meek wait patiently until a kind old guy lets them go.. but until then, they get honked to oblivion by the impatient people behind them..  some succumb to pressure and dash out, only to meet an aggressive driver who scares them into stopping - in the middle of the road. I should watch traffic more often, perfect showcase of basic human behavior ^o^

So yeah, even though I find a lot of my philosophies and ideas for an ideal human society (or rather, lack thereof) pretty legit, I seriously doubt I can practice what I preach perfectly :P I always lambaste the ideals of every religion as bullshit, outdated and flawed in so many ways. Then I should be careful of not calling the kettle black and stop myself from crossing the thin line between posting crap on my blog and starting my own religion (which would be ahead of its time).

Outdated... ahead of their time... its like the great minds of society (talking about other people, not me T_T) never seem to be thinking the correct things at the correct time. Oh well, you know what they say, great minds think alike :D

Just like the term 'freedom fighter', I might sound like I'm fighting for freedom, but when you analyze it logically, I could also be fighting against freedom, just like how a crime fighter (BATMAN ^O^) fights crime.. I dunno.

If you ask me, I'm still confused at what I actually think :S The answer to the meaning of life isn't that easy to figure out, I guess. I actually thought I had it figured out, but I've always failed to put it into words.. its either my writing skills still suck (true) or if I actually post up the (proper) meaning of life for everyone to read, it'll cause a tear in the space-time continuum and spontaneously bluescreen everyone in the world and bad command or filename... 

Format C:? Y_

Formatting... 99%

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why global warming is bullshit

Hey guys ^o^ long time no see~

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been really bogged down lately by the burden that is real life. Seriously, the biggest obstacles in the way of the advancement of human civilizations are sleep and hunger T_T

We're all victims of the disease where the energy in our body depletes and eventually runs out, requiring us to sustain ourselves with nutrients from food sources >_<

As if that's not enough, every human is infected from birth with the affliction of sleep. With this horrible disease we are never able to perform 100%, our bodies shutting down to a state of near-death for at least a third of our everyday lives, foreshadowing us with the glimpse of the eventual death that we're cursed with thanks to this plague named sleep v_v

...but we're supposed to talk about global warming today, aren't we? ^o^

Unlike my other long ass articles, I'm going to start with the conclusion today :3

Human beings are too full of themselves. How, can a race that has been around for only 2 million years with a measly recorded history of two thousand years hope to effect a self-sufficient ecosystem that has been functioning for billions of years?

Sure, you can point to the massive pollution and depletion of the ozone layer of the earth that's directly caused by our sins. I'll point out to you that to the Earth, its just a bad case of skin disease. At worst, its just a flesh wound ^^

The world is ending next year, they say. They point to the wars and the natural disasters happening en large throughout our world and forecast armageddon. Why does that word need to be capitalized anyway? I have no respect for religion :P Maybe I should get one considering the world's going to end next year, right?

Didn't I just say that its boastful to claim that humanity can effect the earth in any permanent way? That's right. But the possibility that the world will end next year is just as real as the possibility that there is a god, a heaven, and a hell *_*

What most people misunderstand is that whenever we say that the end of the world is near, we actually mean that the end of humanity is near. Understandable, though, as to quote renown philosopher Michael Jackson; we are the world~ we are the future~ *o* So no us, no world :(

Same goes when the politicians and environmentalists that claim global warming will destroy the world *o* Our good ol' mother earth wouldn't be bothered even a bit. She'll just shrug off humanity and start a new cycle ^o^ Maybe cockroaches :3 Environmentalists aren't warning that the world will be destroyed, it'll just be rendered inhabitable... ..for us humans :P

Of course this all sounds very typical of me. I make a bold statement like "Global warming is bullshit!" and proceed to skillfully talk about how it is the way we perceive the destruction of the world that's causing all this hoo-hah. "But Kitsune," you'd add, feeling awkward using my internet nickname, but whatever, "that doesn't make global warming bullshit, it's still a threat!"

No. Even though I derailed completely from the title, global warming is still bullshit. You see, the earth has this amazing self-sufficient system where it maintains equilibrium naturally. You've seen it on national geographic; too many predators? They naturally starve to death, decreasing their numbers and allowing the prey to repopulate ^o^ 

Too much herbivores? Plants being overgrazed? The predators will boom with the increase of food supply while overpopulation increases the odds of hungry and weak herbivores, eventually lowering the number of prey :3

Put an ice cube in room temperature, it melts into water to achieve equilibrium with it's surroundings ^o^ Pee in Antartica, it freezes in no time as equilibrium evenly distributes its heat away~

Not many people know the official story of how the dinosaurs died out. As a huge fan of dinosaurs (I've drawn a fair share of cicaks in my youth :3), I've eventually discovered how dinosaurs became extinct, and unlike most official flashy versions, they died a slow and eventual death v_v such is the way of nature.

Approximately 300 million years ago, at the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs, the earth was hot. It was so freaking hot that if we were from that time, we would be worried about global cooling rather than global warming. Today's tropical climate that humans complain to be extremely hot and humid and eww I'm so sweaty is a cool breezy day compared to a temperate day during the Jurassic period ^o^

It is this extremely hot environment that dinosaurs, being the huge-ass cold-blooded lizards, were able to thrive in. If a dinosaur were to exist in today's environment, it would be hard pressed to move even a mile thanks to the amount of heat it needed to amass in order to operate its cold-blooded massive body.

In English, hot weather = cold blooded monsters can move, too hot for mamals because they'll be sweating to death = Welcome to the age of the dinosaurs ^O^!

Back then, the earth was young and still breaking out. Lots of volcanic eruptions happened and I can tell you that a massive prehistoric volcanic eruption causes more air pollution than America can hope to produce in that single moment. The dust would clog the skies for days, the heat and carbon monoxide exhumed from the earth's core would tear a massive hole in the ozone for years. Nature does 'gobal warming' better than we humans could ever hope to do.

Here's where I introduce my pendulum analogy. I believe that the earth's climate is always moving towards an equilibrium, like a pendulum, swinging from extreme to extreme, losing momentum only slightly with every pass and stopping only after many, many swings ^o^

What this means is that the earth has been swinging from ice-age to lava-age consistently in a cycle that spans millions of years, hundreds of times longer than the time where our little species has existed :D The age of the dinosaurs was the peak of that lava-age, and hundreds of millions of years later, it slowly shifted to colder climates and the infamous ice-age (which has spawned the four-part and counting movie franchise).

The evidence of the gradual cooling of the earth and how it played a role in ending the reign of the dinosaurs is well documented ^o^ Long story short, the earth got colder, dinosaurs weren't able to move well, the bottom of the food chain, the plants, were adapting to the colder weather (leafy plants evolving to thin pines and shoots to maintain heat and etc) and the large sauropods (leaf eating dinosaurs) weren't able to adapt quickly enough, dying out and pulling the rug out under the dinosaur food chain ;_;

Smaller dinosaurs were able to adapt quicker and evolved feathers. Don't laugh, its true. Most of the small velopciraptor type dinosaurs had feathers towards the end of the age of dinosaurs to allow their bodies to retain heat admits the cooling weather. Yes, they evolved into birds *o*

The now cooler environment allowed a new breed of animals that are more well suited to cold conditions to thrive - the warm blooded mamals. And so the age of the mamoth and the bison began ^o^ At least until a mutant race of aquatic monkeys evolved to use tools and restructured the way the food chain worked by totally dominating it... :P

Coming back to global warming, though. The ice-age was the end of the cold extreme of the pendulum, and it has thus begun to swing back towards the hot extreme ^^ So it is only natural the the world will be getting gradually warmer and warmer :3 

It moves at a glacial pace, though, as I said before, it is a process that spans millions upon millions of years... and the poor human mind is too impatient and incapable of thinking on such a large scale. Its pretty understandable, though, as it is infinitely difficult for a fly, that measures its lifespan by days, to understand the concept of time through the eyes of a tree, that measures its lifespan by hundreds of years.

So in a nutshell, that is why global warming is bullshit. Even if fossil fuels were banned tomorrow and everyone used recyclable, environmentally friendly energy sources and lived a healthy lifestyle, the earth would still get warmer and warmer every year~ until it reaches the next lava-age.. which none of us, not even our grandchildren, would be around to experience ^_^

"Global warming", then, is just a very very convenient propaganda tool by corporations and political parties to rally people to their sides, act as if they're doing something, and tell people what to do. I'm not saying everyone that advocates global warming is a big con artist or is trying to control what you buy or charge you more money for something that's 'environmentally friendly', some people truly believe with all their hearts and souls that global warming is a real threat to us all ;_; They're really sincere. Its really sweet and all, but unfortunately its all bullshit. Actually, its a lot like religion, really ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why should I like someone?

((didn't use 'love' because it has too much emotional baggage ;_; but for all intents and purposes, like, love, whatever, its all the same ^o^))

There lives a boy that was alienated by most of his friends and lived practically alone for the better part of the past few years.

He's not a victim of abuse or discrimination, he kinda brought it upon himself.

His remaining friends often wonder why he doesn't feel lonely. "Not lonely meh?" They'd enquire, and he'll just smile and shake his head.

"No ah. Oki wat," he'll reply nonchalantly and walk away, smiling silently to himself, as if he knows something that they can never understand, so he'll never bother explaining to them.

The truth is, he was actually really really lonely at first. No surprise, considering that his previous lifestyle was one of many hanging outs and involved meeting other people on a regular basis.

Suddenly turning into a recluse, that's culture shocking~

The thing that changed the boy was perhaps his greatest weakness. He is sadly addicted to liking pretty girls and constantly tried to go after girl after girl, suffering heartbreak after heartbreak.

Sometimes he succeeded, but those are few and far in between. Even then, those ended eventually and hurt even more than they would if he didn't succeeded in the first place.

Recently, he apparently got tired of liking people and the bitter taste it leaves if, no, when he fails. Tragic! Well, at least he took good care of himself.

In fact, he cared only about himself, and those few months of self-indulgence were the most reckless yet refreshingly liberating times of his recent life.

But deep down, he knew that he'll eventually fall for a pretty girl again. "It's inevitable," he said, voice shaking along with his head. Its as if he resigned his fate to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He didn't really mind though. 'Monk' isn't in his list of ambitions.

As expected, he eventually fell for a wonderfully pretty girl.

"She's perfect!" not realizing that he said almost the same thing for almost every other girl he fell for. "Well she's not flawless.." he corrected himself, "though that actually makes me like her even more!"

And so, that's how this little boy fell for a girl way out of his league and will eventually get his heart broken again.

"No I wont," he snorts. "Not this time," a sheepish grin spread across his blushing face, "I'm not going to do anything about it.

"I don't need to be together with her, to own her, for her to make me happy. I'm happy enough the way it is now!" He boasted confidently.

It might be a really troubling addiction, but it seems to be serving him well. For now.

After all, just seeing her enjoy herself brings him so much joy~ It makes his life, that's full of troubles, stress and pressure from various responsibilities, bearable.

Maybe one day he'll snap out of it, and become a miserable young boy again.

Or maybe he finally figured out how to channel his addiction into some useful energy.

*shrugs* I wouldn't know, its not like I know what goes on in his mind. I'm not him anyway :P

If I were him though, I'd really like to meet the girl and thank her for... saving his life or something XD

Is for the way you look, at me~


Is for the only one~ I see~


Is very, very, extraordinary~


Is even more, than anyone that I adore~

and love, is all that I can give~ To you~

Oh love~ Is more than just a game~ for two~

Two~ in love can make it,

take my heart, but please don't break it ^_^

Love~ was made~ for me and you~

I love you *^o^*

Discovery channel

All you good kids who don't waste your precious money and time at cyber cafes, let me tell you a story.

So I plonked down on the PC19, ready to spread my philosophy to the internets. But when the computer logged on, there were so many internet explorer windows open!

One was a gmail, work email, by the looks of it. Male, late 20s, maybe early 30s. Law. Hmm.. right.. what a careless lawyer this one is.

Well I'll give him some credit. It is a well known fact that if you take a prepaid package, the computer logs off once the time's up, right? So most probably our friend walked away once his time ran out.

Little did he know (I'm assuming here) that if its just logging out, it does just that, log out. Everything else stays untouched. Why is it like this? So terrible, there goes my privacy! :O

Well for starters, its a public PC to begin with... :P And this 'flaw' is actually a built in advantage to help people who have poor time management (like me) to go to the counter and re-open the PC and continue / finish up ^o^

Ok la, maybe he was holding in his shit or something and once the time ran out he also ran out and went home and.. do I really need to continue?

Yeah sure, I'll humor you. So he ran as fast as he could right but all the motion made him pass motion and.. well.. lets just say he needed to immediately wash his pants T_T and underpants, and socks, and shoes, and YER SO DISGUSTING LA WTF >_>

...aaaaanyways. Assumptions aside, I proceeded to close all of our friend's open pages and whatnot. Not really interested if its a guy anyway.

Then I saw this gay dating website =_____= and I closed everything twenty times faster I almost logged off the cpu v__v

..well, at least it isn't gay porn >o> but still. Awkward.

* * *

If you reread the previous paragraphs, you can see how I shifted from pretty formal and concise, good English (plonked) and structure with little to no emoticons. Then suddenly the emoticons creeped in and ..everything went downhill from there XD

Where did it start? Aha, there. "So terrible, there goes my privacy! :O" It was an exclamation, a show of emotion! It also marks the part where I begin talking crap.. So I guess emoticons are a good visual cue that I'm talking bullshit, huh :P

I really should make a serious, academic blogpost filled with emoticons... ..aih thinking about it is enough to make me @_@ because nobody's that emotional and animated talking about serious stuffs... =_= unless its filled with :( and :\ la.. argh.

* * *

Let me share a fun activity to do on the LRT ^o^ Its called LRT Roulette. You basically close your eyes while the train is moving, then open your eyes when the train stops ^o^ Sometimes you get a pretty girl in front of you, sometimes you get a disgusting drunkard.. sometimes you get an auntie, sometimes you see a devilishly handsome guy. Sometimes you get that kid sitting across you, sometimes you a fat belly almost smashing in your face +_+ Sometimes you see the wall/window, sometimes you get the pole (what are you doing moving in the train o_o stand still!).

Yes please point out the obvious that the person might not change with just one station. You have stereoscopic vision right, there's more than one person~ look around XD And don't get me started with a packed train =w= I avoid that at all costs.. I shiver at the thought of being crammed between a bunch of humans.. ;_;

Its great for considerate people who head straight for the middle partition of the LRT ^o^ you have a nice place to stand and a nice wall to lean on, so closing your eyes wouldn't be dangerous. Plus the person opposite you has to face you, or at least show you their profile (side view, not facebook profile goddamnit XD)

Unfortunately you can't go to the middle for the epic train... at least I wouldn't recommend it to anyone .o. You see, that place was used in medieval times to store fish, meat, milk and other foodstuffs to be preserved. It's a cool place ^o^ that's known in contemporary times as a 'fridge'... :D

Hehe :3 oki sleeping at 3 and waking up at 7 every day is going to kill me eventually I tell you v_v Bye~ haffun~ ^o^/

Monday, March 7, 2011

Facebook you inconsiderate bastard

Proof that Facebook discriminates against tall and skinny people :(


and notice that it doesn't even allow you to talk back to it. All you can do is obediently say "Okay" and sulk away forever knowing that you're powerless against the mega-superpower that is Facebook.

Total abuse of power! ;__;

It's so strange! Isn't it? I thought that most people liked tall and skinny. I didn't attempt to upload a.. lamp post or something. Facebook, you got problem with me is it? =_=;

Hmm but actually, come to think of it, tall and skinny isn't really what I prefer :S

I've never liked tall.. I always like those that are quite short ^o^ But not the tiny ones mind you! I never liked the really short ones.. but just at the right height ^o^ 

My 'height of choice', however, is considered short for most people @_@ Maybe because I'm short to begin with, too :P

Skinny is such a loaded word. First thing that pops into people's mind is a malnourished body ToT and then comes the negative connotations of underweightness and all those horrible horrible eating disorders... 

To be skinny is to be afflicted with a disease! ;_; To be a victim of fashion :(

But I detest fat and obese :P Its not that I can't make friends of have contact with them, its just that I wouldn't really bother looking at them unless I really had to. I love looking at beautiful and nice nice things.. ><;

I'm one of those ignorant bastards that turn a blind eye and a deaf ear towards all the ugliness humanity has to present to me v_v; I'm ashamed of myself.. I'm blushing... :(

I found that my preference would be best described as slim ^_^ Although its often filled fully at the.. appropriate areas~ *sigh* simple adjectives can never live up to my tastes~ *swoons*


Ok la Facebook, I guess after further introspection I realized that your harsh and hasty judgement towards my feeble attempt to upload an insignificant picture in your domain wasn't so discriminatory after all. Sorry dude.

But jeez, a little tact wouldn't hurt TwT

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Chameleon

What is a chameleon?

original art by JohnSu. Awesome artist! Check out his amazing character designs here! ^o^

A chameleon is a person named after their amazing adaptability towards their surroundings.

Most of us are able to identify chameleons whenever we see a person that unconditionally accepts and follows whatever the other person wants and does. What to eat? Well what do you fell like eating? Lets go eat that ^o^ Maybe they'll even order the exact same foods as you. The might even go so far as to watch movies that they'll never ever watch on their own will, but watch because you want to watch.

While this conformity makes the chameleon a perfect partner to being around just to have company, like every other archetype, this characteristic of the chameleon can be very troublesome.

First of all, you can never ever rely on a chameleon to make a decision. You'll always have to make the first move and the chameleon will follow. Happily ^o^

But are chameleons really happy?

We'd have to look a lot deeper than just asking them "hey are you happy?" Because they'd just ask you "well are you happy? If you're happy I'd be happy too ^_^" Bad idea :P

pa~ddle pop~ wow~ pa~ddle pop~
yay~ super duper yummy ^O^
There are two types of chameleons. The first one is the color-chameleon. These are the most popular type of chameleons and are named after their skin that are able to change color almost on command *_* Just like the characteristic of chameleon's skin, the color-chameleon's ability lies only upon the surface. They might be happy on the outside, readily following you through thick and thin, but what's happening on the inside might not be the same.

If they end up forcing themselves to change to a color that's uncomfortable to them for too long, they might snap and just like a startled chameleon, show their true colors XD Its not that these guys are fakes, though. Its really important to understand that the main motivation of color-chameleons is the (misguided) assumption that shared interests equal closer bonds, and (more dangerously) differences in interests creates distance.

No, guys. Chameleons listen up >o< If you have shared interests, great, you immediately have a common ground and can spend time doing the things you like to do the most together ^o^ But in the long run, you might be spending a little too much time seeing each other, and that might make is a little.. boring? Overwhelming? You get what I mean, right?

And if you have differences in interests, its actually a good thing ^o^ Why? A lot of people assume that having different interests would make making conversation different for the lack of topics. It's actually quite the opposite. Because if both parties really are interested in getting to know each other, it is yet another thing that would help the process of getting to know a person ^_^ nothing like learning why a person is interested in whatever they're interested in~ and how they spend their time~ Plus, you get to learn something new as well :D

hurp derp <__>
The second type of chameleon is the eye-chameleon. These are not as popular and are named after the (surprisingly) less known fact that chameleon's eyes can rotate independent from each other. They're the safest people to cross the road with because they can look both left and right XD Unlike the color-chameleon who's ability is only skin-deep, eye-chameleon's are like that because of the way they're built. Its in their software and their hardware.

The main reason why eye-chameleons are able to freely follow their friends to do anything and everything is because they don't have any preferences whatsoever. They have no stand, and no point of view. I'd blame this on education systems that mold students into receptive sponges that don't know how to think for themselves, but sometimes it's also the individual's fault. Some people are just drifters and say whatever to anything~ Its kinda good in a way, though, as they're rarely considered picky or pushy.

Ask them to make decisions, though, and you'll never get one. Eye-chameleons are always the followers in the group and never give suggestions to anything. Great if you're a leader, bad if you need a leader. The most dangerous case of an eye-chameleon is the fact that because they're always so lackadaisical, they're rarely invested in anything they do, which might include their friendship.

I make eye-chameleons sound like such useless people. Like they have no aim in life and have zero ambition XD That's kinda true.. but I'd rather think of it as people who have not found their direction in life or developed preferences in things they'd rather or rather not do. And sometimes you don't need a preference. Its cool to be able to tolerate any and every kind of music and/or people and/or language (you'd be labeled as racist otherwise :P)

There is one kind of eye-chameleon that has an ambition, though. And that's the tunnel-vision-eye-chameleon. These eye-chameleons only have one goal in life, and that's to be the ultimate follower of someone or something. The best example of this are the people that aim to be 'the best wife/husband ever' :P These people live solely for their husband or wife, and will do whatever they want and build their entire lives once they get together with their target. Break ups are the most devastating for tunnel-vision-eye-chameleons because their world literally ends as they have to start from zero and search for a new person to base their life around ;_;

I wonder if anybody would want to be a chameleon after reading what I've written here XD Its not really that bad, though. Sometimes being a chameleon is a good thing ^_^ you get to avoid almost all conflict ever. Unless someone's forcing you to make a decision :P 

As always, don't judge a chameleon for its color, or the direction(s) its looking. Under all that copying and indecisiveness is a person that's not very confident in themselves and is only trying their best to be close to you~ and maybe even understand you better ^o^ it wouldn't hurt for you to understand them better as well :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Time Traveler's Sleeping Habits

(not a sequel to The Time Traveler's Wife)

Once upon a time, there was a young boy that loved to procrastinate. Whenever something became a routine for him, he procrastinated. It was so bad that he even procrastinates on eating. "Food tastes the yummiest when you're starving, though! D:" he would refute.

Being a fierce procrastinator, our hero always faced the problem of not having enough time. "Sigh. Why don't I ever have enough time to do what I want? T_T" he would bemoan.

One day night, while he was about to sleep, he saw a shooting star outside his window. Because he grew up watching Disney (tm) movies, he frantically began to chant his wish; "I wanna be able to time travel! Time travel time travel time travel! Then I'll have all the time I'll ever need! *o*o*o*o*o*o*"

aand he fell asleep. By the way, he needs to wake up early tomorrow morning because he has to go to work :( Like, really early, in 4 hours time, actually.

<<fast forward 4 hours later, insert owl sound here *hoot hoot*>>

The sun BLASTED into our hero's eyes >_< "WHAT the hell I can't even sleep properly =A=" he complained. He shut the curtains and looked at the clock.

"*grumble* 6:58...? I can afford to sleep for 2 more minutes.. ~w~" and so he blinked.

(Editor's note: Now for those of you that don't know, when people blink, their eyes close for about one fifth of a second and reopen almost instantly)

When he opened his eyes and adjusted them to look at the clock again, it was 8:34!! "SH*T!" He exclaimed, "!@#$#%#$!" (sorry no subtitles) and he rushed to work.

While he was on the train on the way to work, he was exhausted and sweating due to all the rushing and running around. "Bruwh *wipes sweat* I only blinked.. why did time pass by so fast? Did I sleep?" he sighed to catch his breath, "but.. I'm still so exhausted.."

And the camera zoomed to his face, and to his left eye, and realization materialized within that brown iris of his!


...he exclaimed. In the train. Everyone was looking at him. Morning train, packed and all. Awkward. "Never mind v_v" he told himself, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep to avoid the judgmental stares...

All of the sudden, he heard the monotonous train woman saying Next. Station :) <insert last station's name here> Station ^o^


y-you're my character~ you time traveled, man! ..Isn't that what you w-wished for? ^o^; Don't get m-ma-- eh wait why am I having this conversation with my blog =A=

"G*ddamnit, I time traveled again +_+ This is getting out of control," our hero grumbled non-stop, heading back the way he came from. This time he tried his best not to accidentally time travel, so he tried his best not to blink.

"O_O okay.. so I can time travel.. that's pretty cool. Apparently I can only travel to the future this way.. but I guess it can be useful," he added with a smirk. It looked a little strange, smirking with wide open eyes. 

"Gotta learn how to control it though," and disregarding any and all copyright laws, "with great power, comes great resp-"

Next. Station :) <insert workplace station's name here> Station ^o^

He was relieved that he was finally going to reach his destination. Although a full three hours late. "Better late than never, right? Phew v_v" he sighed a sigh of relief.

"Wait O_O" his eyes swung open.



Station :)


<insert home station's name here> Stat-

"AAAAA *screams and camera pans out to the train, out to the city, out to the country, out to the world, out to the galaxy~ XD* AAAAAAAAAUGH!! D:"

-ion.. o_o;;


And so ends the story of how our hero discovered his wonderful suberpower of time traveling~ to the future. Only. Use it wisely k ^_~

..oh. What about his job? He took M.C. that day ^o^;

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cold Joke

Here's a cold joke :D Beware, its really cold :P

A: Hey! You like this singer too? I'm her biggest fan!

B: Really?! Then I'm an aircond!

A: Whoa!! You're so cool! XD; So cold.. I'm freezing here.. brr *shiver shiver* XP