Monday, October 25, 2010


I'm planning to join NaNoWriMo this year ^o^ which stands for National Novel Writing Month :3

Its basically a marathon for writers to write a 50,000 word 'novel', you can read a lot more about it (and hopefully join!) here ^o^

As you can see in the header, it starts in November, so I'll start writing then :3 I actually have no idea what kind of novel I'm going to write, though, especially when all my content is very.. blog-ish. A lot of philosophy and social commentary x_x Not very experienced in the storytelling/fiction department.

But why not, I wondered, especially since I'm such an expert at bullshitting and lying making up stories.. then I realised what was the main problem I encounter every time I try to start a story;

I can't think of a name for the character(s)!!!! T___T

Gosh, I don't know if it's psychological or I'm just plain bad at it, I really despise thinking up names.. I don't know how people do it. It took me months to decide the url for this blog, for example. I really wonder how I'm going to last 50,000 words without mentioning a name.. so.. god help me. lol XD;

Of course, I'm going to put my 'novel' up somewhere! And I'm planning to make a separate blog for it, and post it everywhere *_* Hopefully I'll get lots of feedback to keep me going.

One thing about nanowrimo is the focus on word count, which basically reduces most of the submissions to really, really rough drafts. I'm not really one to stand putting up rubbish and calling it a 'novel'.. so hopefully it'll be something good ^o^ I wont try too hard to make it perfect, though.

Ahh this blogpost is so seriously all over the place. I'm quite lethargic today, had a terrible headache yesterday +_+ I suspect it's because I was hungry, or because I stared at the computer for too long... I have a slight phobia with monitors now.. ;__;

See how la, my next posts might be putting up story ideas regarding nanowrimo~ I have a few, but none of them really stand out.. wish me luck XD