Friday, December 24, 2010

Rain, rain, go away~

I wanted to go back home earlier today to avoid the massive jam that I predict will happen due to it being Christmas Eve...

And now it's raining heavily!! T____T



btw, epic music :D

Immediate Music jjang *_* Go get their discography~

*Sorry I've been all music recommendations only these past few days, been busy rushing work before I quit the job v_v haven't slept well in days

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Recommendational Musics

Hey guys~

I've been listening to Magic: The Gathering podcasts Monday Night Magic and Yo! MtG Taps a lot these days *_*

These guys are pretty hilarious and being able to listen to entertaining yet MtG related content while commuting is a real blast~ :D It makes the train ride that much more bearable and oftentimes it passes by without me noticing :D The 1 hour+ runtime of these podcasts fits nicely with the travel time ^_^

So yeah, if you're into Magic the Gathering and like listening to people talk crap, do check them out :D

If Magic is not your thing, then I have something else to recommend to you ^o^

Thanks to listening to these podcasts, I got exposed to some (non magic related) information that I might not be able to get anywhere else~ like music :D One band in particular that I've recently gotten into is Starfucker.

I don't know if indie-electronica is your thing or not, heck, I didn't know it was my thing either ^o^ but then again I can go with any music, as long as it's catchy and has a good beat :D Classical, Pop, Rock, Metal, Techno, Country, anything *_*;

er. Do check them out though, I personally like their rendition of Girls Just Want to Have Fun, and their song titled Pop Song, which was what got me into them in the first place ^_^

Lemme know if you guys want me to upload the mp3s, or maybe I'll send them to you if I know you -w-

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A guide to the feeding habits of a (modern) vampire

This post could never be made without the help of the powerful and incredibly smart yh. If our conversation did not occur a few weeks ago, this post would never be made m(_  _)m

Vampires are all the rage these days. But they are criminally understood. Pop-culture references to the once fearsome vampire have turned them into pansys and the race that was once horrific and feared is now jeered and hated undeservingly T_T

awesome card alter by serrot_29 of MTG Salvation Forums. You rock, serrot_29 *_*\m/

One trademark of the noble vampire is it's vicious canine teeth, thought to be used to pierce the throat of its victims and extracts their blood dry within a method of seconds.

..just reading the sentence above out loud shows how rediculous that line of thinking is, especially with regards towards the high, classy image of a noble vampire.

Imagine the slurping sounds! What kind of lips would be required for such a task? Logic suggests big, suction-cup-like lips to prevent spillage of blood when feeding, similar to those found on Catostomus commersonii, or more commonly known as the White Sucker (really, I swear, you can't make this shit up. Click the link).

So, puncturing the neck with two holes, then loud slurping sounds from these two holes, large lips. Messy, sloppy. Nope, I don't think that's what vampires do, nope. Not to mention I've never seen a vampire with lusciously thick lips...

Wait, two holes?! Does that mean the vampire latches onto its victim's throat with only the top or bottom jaw? What happened to the other two canine teeth? This doesn't make sense! +__+

All this is proof enough that the popular vampire bite on the neck might actually be romanticised by novelists and scriptwriters by taking advantage of the fact that biting the neck is.. kinda kinky? :3

So then, lets speculate on how vampires actually feed~

Friday, December 17, 2010

I don't want~ to die alone~ @w@

I forgot if I said it on this blog or my other one, but I remember saying that I'm actually very happy with staying practically alone and spending most of my days alone.

This might come across like a bitter old man sprouting nonsense, but its surprisingly liberating how being responsible for you and only yourself is. You can do whatever you want, you don't have to consider other people, even better if you don't give a damn about what other people think of you *_*

So while this selfish lifestyle has been pretty enjoyable and indulging for me, yesterday, I experienced something that made me think twice about this kind of lifestyle.

I almost got terribly sick +_+

Spoiler alert:
I didn't get sick, just a good rest and a day off from work and I'm feeling a lot better! ^O^ Apparently the reason I got almost sick was because I inhaled a lot of dust and had a weak body thanks to not sleeping. You see, for the past week or so, I have been constantly doing a cycle of 30 hour days followed by only 8 hours sleep, which means very little sleep and a very tired body +_+
 /spoiler alert.

So er, yes, I almost got terribly sick, and it felt horrible. And that was when it dawned me; what if I get so horribly sick while I'm alone? If I'm not living with anyone, nobody would know, right? So.. I'll die alone?! O__O nuooooooooo~ >O< I'm too young to dieeeee! I have so many unwritten novels and journals *O*;;

...I guess that's why we humans have this inert ability to feel lonely, its a self-preservation mechanic that makes use of the human society to ensure our survival *_*

Guess I should go out and look for some dependable friends, then T_T I haven't interacted with (live) humans for so long, I forgot how to socialize already >o< I'm an awkward geek otaku now oh nooo T^T

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Perverted forces of nature~

Have you heard of the fable of the North Wind and the Sun?

The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.
Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him, and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shone out warmly and immediately the traveller took off his cloak.
 And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
 Apparently, the North Wind and the Sun are a pair of perverts -_-;

Monday, December 13, 2010

How to: Get more motivated to go to work

or alternatively, How to get motivated to go to school ^o^/ hi kids~

Not feeling motivated to wake up every morning?

dreading mondays and constantly craving for fridays?

well~ I have a solution for you!

!! Fall in love with someone !! (in the target area)

have a huge, luxurious crush towards someone~

~♥3♥~ yeah~


and this is a huge~ but

you know, so huge that it requires an hefty investment in a whole new wardrobe!

the kind that gets your attention when it passes you by, making you go "!!, holy-- O__o;;"


Dont, I repeat, Dont, get involved in a relationship with said target.

No, no.

Just let it be a "I'll admire you from a distance k ;w; oh how my heart aches~ *swoons*" kind of crush

don't get overzealous and go get em, tiger~

coz your crush, might, er, crush, you!! >o<

..and even if you do manage to 'seal the deal', it'll demotivate you both from working :(

So no,

Wise man (well, actually, salesman) says;

Nice to see, nice to (be)hold~

once broken, considered, sold!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why mixed-race people are the most attractive

Did you know that there are so many things on the internet referring to mixed-race people being the most attractive? I didn't know it until I searched google before making this post (because I was looking for the proper term.. 'mixed people' didn't sound very right -_-)

<<I really wanted to put up a nice picture of a mixed-race person here, but I couldn't find a nice one on the internet =o=>>

Here's why mixed-race people are often considered the most attractive in a sentence;

Mixed-race people are the perfect blend of familiar and new.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do people want to add you on facebook?

Hi kids ^o^ today we're going to talk about the reasons why a person might want to add you on facebook.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear Reader

Hi there ^o^/

Allow your attention to wander to the left side of this blogpost :D

See the chatbox? (ignore the "DONT READ THIS" for a second)

As you all know, I'm the one known as 'kitsu' interacting with all of you ^o^ nice to meet you~

Sometimes, I also talk to people with similar names as me such as 'kitsune', 'kitus', 'kitusne' and 'kitsunei', all variations of my name~ Don't be surprised though, all of them... are actually me :O!

You see, not many people read my blog T^T so sometimes, when I want to create a conversation or skit, I talk to 'myself' :D It's quite entertaining.... right? Isn't it? ;_;"

But today!! I found a startling fact @_@!

Anyone could post as any name!! OAO

There's no stopping someone from doing it other than their self conscience and I have a grand total of zero control over it! O_o

That means... all the people talking, the kitsus, the kairurus the bots, they might be all.... me @___@;;

or, they might be not me at all... *eerie background music plays* t-t-then... w-who a-are they..? ;__;

...mmmmmaybe I should take down the chatbox... ^^;;;