Monday, October 18, 2010

So much work

I have so much work to do T_T And I have my assignment due on wednesday.. which I have no idea how to do anyway, and am seriously considering not doing it T_T I've become so lazy..

And I'm seriously worried about why are people getting the impression that I'm a girl from my real name.. is my surname really that feminine?! Not that it's a bad thing to be thought of as a girl or anything.. see, I'm all for gender equality, and anybody that thinks its demeaning to be 'girly' is really.. er.. not good la.

(What's the word for a person that's anti feminist? masochist? wait...)

So yeah, I figured the best thing I can do now is to get to the cybercafe nearby and have a jolly Starcraft 2 time with my buddies~ *u* Bwahahaha~

*needs halp T^T


  1. doing lecturer's work now T_T assignment tonight.. or tomorrow morning T_T
