Sunday, May 29, 2011

Congratulasi is in order would like to extend its warmest congratulations to the winner of Grand Prix Trials - Shanghai 2011;

Me ^o^

*pelted with rotten tomatoes, which has rated this movie with a 97% fresh*

Yeah babey, I'm so proud of myself for winning a 12-person tournament *_* Last time I used to pride myself in getting number 9 in my form 6 class ^o^ pretty good, right?

...except that the class only had 9 people~ ooooohhhhh XD *high fives myself*

v__v ya ya ok I know I know *sighs*

So today's blog is going to be Magic the Gathering (hereby allways refered to as MtG) and tactical strategy gaming. I've been meaning to make blogposts about magic, but have always stopped myself because I'm a total nobody and I really don't have anything to back up my theories..

..and then I realized I've been spouting what I claim to be 'enlightening philosophies' for the better part of nine months... has it really been almost nine months? o_o damn.. people get born in that span of time.. holy, shit.

So yesterday, I pretty much creamed everybody I faught against in the tournament (which means I won 4 lucky games against friendly opponents, won 1 game against an asshole that deserves to be put into his place, lost a game to The Aura, and made a shady deal.. ;_;)

The main point I'm trying to get into here is what I think is important when playing in a tournament; focus. I was pretty focused in every game I played, except the one where I got my ass handed to by The Aura ;_; *sniffle* ..ahem. Focus, is really what got me that far into the tournament.

I played against decorated team leader and pro player Khairul, or better known as 'kairuru' in the chatbox over there <-- and won two drawn out games in the semifinals.

What was interesting is that later that night (or this morning, rather), we went to a maple and played around 30+ games with the same two decks and he absolutely creamed me T_T I won less than 10 out of those games.. seriously.

Then earlier today I played tetris on facebook, and boy is that game addictive. I would like to say that I've pretty much figured out the tactics to succefully play that game, its pretty simple anyway and doesn't need a rocket scientist to figure out.. but I lost twenty games in a row T__T

All this can be blamed by a lack of focus. I'm not saying that I was simply playing these games where I lost and just hurped durped through them with a -_- face, I was trying to win! But I wasn't in the zone, as most people would call it.

In the tournament, I was focusing on everything and anything that my opponents were doing and or capable of doing. It was amazing, it was like I was in the zone and was in complete control of my turns, their turns, and the draft.

When I was playing tetris a few days ago, I shot up to rank 20 in a jiffy without a sweat and was beating (very hard, AI generated) opponents left and right. I was slamming tetris bricks with 300+ APM (actions per minute) and was in the zone *_*

Earlier today, when I lost about a hundred games in tetris, I realized that my APM was considerably lower as if I was playing in slow mo with a -_- face.. and thats why I lost. It wasn't because of me making horrible mistakes or not pulling off good combos. When I looked at the opponents screen, I simply realized that it was playing FREAKING FAST @_@ it was as if it was playing on a whole different level.

Same thing, when I was playing in the tournament, it was as if I was playing a wholly different game than when I play magic casually. This is when I realized that in order for me to do things properly, I have to be one hundred thousand percent focused towards it or else I get distracted.. I blame my high brain volatiliy T_T

I don't even need to relate it to gaming, even when I'm doing work like typing stuff for assignments or homework, I often have to turn off my music T_T No, not just that, even when I'm blogging, I blog faster and fluenter when there is no music on (like now) and take almost four times longer to finish a post if I'm listening to music or am distracted (like how I used to be in the cyber cafe with guys screaming at the top of their lungs every fourty three seconds)

Hmm.. but since the main focus on how to do well in tournaments is to well, be focused (aka in the zone) and that advice mainly stems from the fact that I'm easily distracted because my brain is highly volatile.. (I mean I change topics mid sentence all the time.. I'm horribly frustrating to talk to T_T) ..I think this advice won't be applicable to most people anyway 'o'

^^;; oh well, so much for strategy articles :3 Better luck next time~!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pangram! :O

In which I forgot that I had a blog and blogposted on facebook;

Just in case you're wondering, that's not me in the picture :3 I'm cute, but not that cute ^w^

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Canard: Predator saga

It all started with me wondering about whether Neptune was the name of that brand of cooking oil, which was wrong because the correct one is Knife :(

That swiftly led my to start wondering about how people from the olden days were able to name that planet Neptune, and model the god of the sea after it. It was pretty amazing to me because Neptune is a planet full of water or something, right? So did the olden people have some amazing telescope to see what Neptune was like? Don't think so.. so what is it?

It must be because some alien civilization came down to earth and told them about it!

But which civilization?

Thus spawned the predator theory, which I happily stole from the movie Alien VS Predator, and added my own little twist, as usual;
orang lama power sial
ni la theory predator
predator datang ajar humans pasal civilization
dia lepak kat egypt, mayan dan japan
ajar buat pyramid, pyramid petak, dan gundam
use3to5drops :
gundam jugak?
apasal mcm tak sama zaman ajaran diorang
kenapa diorang ajar egyption ngan mayan buat lego je oi?
racist ka omae
aish ko ni
power kot
mayan tu bangunan dia semua emas
el dorado katakan
use3to5drops :
tp tu mcm de gune resource tempatan je
kat situ takder batu kot
pyramid tu sebenarnya laser yang boleh tembak apa apa sahaja
use3to5drops :
emas lg murah dr batu
mayan empire banyak magic hebat
banyak traps
macam kat zendikar
semua pyramid kat giza tu sebenarnya ada diamond besar gila kat tip dia, diamond tu boleh harness matahari power n annihalate anything
dulu mesir tu lush rainforest kot
tapi sebab kuasa destructive pyramids...
all is dust (tm)
japan pulak, sebab dia conservative, asian kan, so dia simpan baik baik knowledge tu sampai skarang
tapi sebanarnya japan tu continent besar jugak la, cam africa
dulu laut paling besar bukan pacific
tapi sebab great gundam wars, continent tu terus hilang
tinggal air je...
alamak pandainya aku
^o^;; hehe
use3to5drops :
hahaha pandai2


Once upon a time, in a galaxy near near over here.. our galaxy, actually.. our planet, even :D""

..there was a race of hideously macho aliens who visited us for no apparent reason.. They were called predators, and were a horribly competitive race, though their intentions are often noble.

Legend has it that it was a dare amongst three predator overlords at a bar one night, to go to the most primitive planet in the sector and cultivate the most powerful war-like race in the galaxy.

The first of the overlords arrived in where we now know as Egypt. It was a lush area of forests and steppes around a massive Nile river that provided sustenance to the whole region. This predator faction specialized in harnessing cosmic power from the outer reaches of the galaxy, and they thought the humans there the skills to observe the stars and other celestial beings, what we humans now call the discipline of Astronomy.

The Egyptians were thought greatly in the skills of mathematics and calculations, giving them great precision in their attacking and planning skills. They grew arrogant with this newfound knowledge and ruled ruthlessly.

The Egyptians had access to one of the greatest and most destructive weapons - the pyramids. There were three of them, what we now call the great pyramids of Giza. The pyramids were actually much more complete and higher than their current height. Their bases used to touch each other, instead of how they're separated miles apart now. Just like how modern human historians have noticed, the pyramids were aligned perfectly with the constelation of Orion's belt, and on each of the peaks held massive diamonds.

These diamonds were actually awesome solar-powered mechanisms that harnessed the power of the sun and other stars, capable of turning Egypt's night into day by shining brightly. But the most absurd power of the diamonds is their ability to precisely vindicate anything within Egypt with a directed blast of solar energy. This awesome power cemented Egypt as the most feared force in the region and their reliance on the sun caused their entire religion and way of life to be centered around it.

The second of the overlords landed in the continent of America, where the race of humans called the Mayans existed. This was yet another lush rainforest with a great river Amazon running through it, providing its ruthless inhabitants sustenance and life. It seemed like the predators favoured forested areas greatly. Many have hypothesised that forests resemble their home planet or hunting grounds.

This faction specialized in harnessing planetary energy, relying more on whichever planet they were on for energy instead of borrowing it from outer space. They believed that a home planet's energy is untainted and is the perfect type of energy to be used. Taking energy from other planets will waste too much energy in the transfer and might not even suit the current planet's environment.

They were much more spiritual and instictuous compared to the other factions. They believed in shamanistic rituals and had rich traditions and hunting methods, relying mainly on their instincts and physical strength. They thought the humans the ability to obtain energy from the earth and be one with nature, creating a primal race that hunted and feasted on anything and everything.

Rather than building grand weapons like the other factions, the Mayans were thought the disciplines of resourcefulness and ruthlessness of the predators, resulting in a race where each and every member was a powerful warrior - the people themselves were the greatest weapon. They did not live in the trees like their ape-like ancestors, however. They erected massive ziggurats that served as both fortresses and temples to pay blood tribute to their overlords.

The Mayans also developed an attuned sense to nature and almost supernatural abilities which allowed them to devise complicated traps and hexes that will maim and disable any trespassers. Entering the domain of the Mayans was to endanger oneself from the moment one sets foot in their territory, most die before even managing to catch a glimpse of the great warriors. Gold was an abundant resource for the Mayans and was used liberally in the building for their structures and adorned by all. It was also one of the main reasons why other civilizations tried hard to infiltrate the Mayan empire, many of which were slaughtered mercilessly.


Holy shit. I did not expect to produce so much utter bullshit out of this o_o; I really gotta sleep but I still have so much to say ;_; I guess I'll be making this a two-parter and continue tomorrow or something :P

I'm even tempted to rewrite the whole thing and explain a lot more for each civilization one by one.. rereading what I typed, each civilization actually deserves its own blogpost.. or two. lol XD *yawns*

anyways, really gotta go now :3 Look forward to part 2! X3 Thanks for reading~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Concepts for islamic finance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et venenatis magna. Cras vel venenatis ipsum. Aenean sit amet porttitor mauris. Aliquam vulputate justo mattis orci accumsan sit amet iaculis velit elementum. Vivamus commodo, metus vel imperdiet vestibulum, neque nisl porttitor massa, tempor hendrerit turpis eros sed tortor. Duis blandit sollicitudin arcu ut convallis. In euismod scelerisque tincidunt. Integer eros tortor, consequat a viverra nec, suscipit et libero. Pellentesque magna justo, commodo at mollis vel, dictum vitae lectus. Nunc vestibulum arcu at nulla pellentesque a interdum turpis faucibus.

Vivamus fermentum elementum pellentesque. Sed eu erat est. Etiam purus tortor, mollis non tincidunt ut, dapibus eu dui. Phasellus pellentesque varius justo, vitae mattis nisl tincidunt eu. Pellentesque lacinia auctor vulputate. Curabitur quis viverra orci. Aliquam turpis dui, hendrerit ut dictum eu, faucibus sed justo. Quisque at dolor justo. Vestibulum vulputate varius convallis. Integer dignissim sodales est. Suspendisse in consequat urna. Nunc imperdiet tincidunt viverra. Nam consectetur accumsan purus hendrerit ultricies. Nulla vestibulum ornare ultricies. Donec tempor orci et erat ornare molestie. Nam consequat sagittis consectetur. Vivamus tempus, orci ac sollicitudin cursus, enim metus molestie nisl, vitae vulputate sem leo vitae velit. Duis sodales ultrices justo, et interdum nunc ornare eu. Sed convallis condimentum leo et pellentesque.

Mauris eu magna nulla. Nulla ut magna diam, id semper mi. Mauris consectetur tortor a leo hendrerit a ullamcorper augue hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Ut nisl lacus, suscipit vel varius a, vestibulum vel nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed metus in turpis varius eleifend. Donec tincidunt tincidunt urna non egestas. Integer ligula leo, tincidunt in elementum in, commodo in neque. Curabitur pulvinar feugiat metus ut tristique. Integer ut tempor lorem. Duis vestibulum eros vel sem malesuada non imperdiet magna semper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque consectetur leo sit amet enim tempus ut vestibulum neque faucibus. Vestibulum non turpis turpis. Praesent risus elit, vehicula at pulvinar ac, consectetur at magna. Cras mauris lacus, iaculis a aliquam id, porta vel ipsum. Pellentesque id lectus nisl, volutpat bibendum risus. Duis ac orci purus, a imperdiet libero. Etiam pulvinar odio et urna sagittis ut feugiat purus tincidunt.

Sed auctor accumsan pretium. Nulla dictum ipsum eget augue suscipit elementum. Morbi nibh nunc, interdum et interdum quis, rhoncus eget augue. Fusce sem nibh, vehicula nec congue eu, viverra in nisl. Maecenas lacinia gravida faucibus. Sed luctus eros quis lacus sodales ac tincidunt magna laoreet. Fusce lacus magna, convallis eget mattis ac, mollis ac mi. Curabitur consectetur, mi quis consectetur consequat, libero orci blandit augue, sit amet pretium urna nunc in augue. Maecenas semper aliquam lectus et ultrices. Nulla molestie auctor auctor. Nunc malesuada, orci eu tempus pretium, nisi purus imperdiet odio, ac mattis purus sapien nec enim. Suspendisse ut purus ut dui dapibus pellentesque sed ac dui. Integer tincidunt porttitor scelerisque. Curabitur tempor aliquam ligula, quis eleifend lectus posuere sit amet. Integer congue, tortor at dignissim faucibus, lacus ligula dapibus massa, non eleifend purus quam et leo. Vestibulum sed mi quis augue suscipit lacinia vel eget odio. In rhoncus, lectus id feugiat aliquam, purus orci interdum quam, id pharetra enim enim congue sapien.

Cras eu lacus at augue volutpat feugiat. Sed justo orci, sodales at ornare suscipit, vulputate nec ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla euismod pulvinar dolor, non pulvinar ante tempus ac. Integer volutpat condimentum leo, eu condimentum augue ornare at. Etiam sit amet ultrices nisi. Sed lorem massa, dignissim non posuere quis, egestas sit amet mauris. Maecenas ac mauris enim. Nunc velit erat, volutpat et porttitor in, consequat iaculis tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc vitae sem velit, vitae imperdiet libero. In vel nulla lacus, vel tincidunt elit. Suspendisse rhoncus arcu ipsum. Sed vel felis nunc.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why you should let your child play Pokemon

After giving a smidgen of parental advice and thanks to the very invigorating comments from my readers, I decided to continue with the parental advice *O*

Today I'll recommend you the best game to introduce to your children ^o^

Pokemon~ Aside from being one of my favorite game franchises in like, ever, it is also a great game to introduce to children because it is incredibly newbie-friendly. The basic mechanics of the game can be picked up in less than 5 minutes and the game has a self-guiding system of hints and pointers to guide you through the game ^_^ It also has many, many, many different good points that makes it a great choice! 

First of all, Pokemon are obscenely cute. This cultivates both little boys and little girls to like cute cute stuff and brings out the caring and loving nature in them ^_^

It is important to assure your child that liking cutesy stuff does not put their sexuality in question. In fact, when your little boy is being made fun of by his peers for being extremely happy (gay), you can give him the good ol' 'shit in the pants' advice;

"Son, people only deny wildly when they have shit in their pants. If they didn't they'll know that they're clean and don't have the incessant need to deny vehemently and have no problem taking off their pants.."

Cool guy + cute Pokemon = not gay ...right? :S let me try that again


"Son, the boys who like pink and flowers and cute stuff are the straightest boys out there. They don't have to act macho and be all tough and violent because they know that they're not homosexual.. so they don't have the crazy need to prove themselves to the world.. 

"Those guys who act all manly and cool and get all worked up when they're called gay? They are the ones who are most likely to turn gay.. and subconsciously, they know it, thats why, they're afraid ;D"


..oh, you're gay? That's cool :3 introduce me to your boyfriend if you ever get one okay? ^o^ *patpat*

((its always important to be a supportive parent, you know))

It is a good thing girls dont seem to have this problem :3 after all, girls are bi to begin with, so that's cool ^o^v

Being a game about combat, though, pokemon might be a little too violent for most parent's tastes. That's all right, though, because nobody dies in pokemon! ^O^ they only get knocked out and run away while they're fainted.... ...its a game, it isn't supposed to make sense. If you wanted to teach that your kids you should've sent them to school -w-

Speaking of combat, pokemon's combat system is a great tool for teaching causal relationships :D Many children in this day and age don't know that water is super effective against fire (because the fire extinguisher has been invented, duh) It also teaches the important lesson of 'there is always something better than you' and 'everything has a weakness', which are superbly important lessons in life because it'll cultivate an inquisitive mind that questions everything, which is integral to making a child want to learn stuff *o*

It also subtly teaches simple maths :3 like 100 damage is better than 50 damage, but that 100 damage has a 70% accuracy, which in time, is less reliable and thus worst than the 50 damage at 100% accuracy.. thats probability, and also another important lesson in life; consistency wins out as it always delivers when it matters the most ^_^

Another simple yet effective feature of the battle mechanics in Pokemon is the fact that a Pokemon can only have a maximum of 4 moves. While this actually sucks (and is a fact that has bugged many a Pokemon trainer as the fellas in the shows can use as many moves as they want! no fair!) The thing is, this limit is actually one of the wonderful balancing aspects of Pokemon ^o^ The fact that each Pokemon is limited to a number of moves forces the trainer to think creatively in order to solve the problems in a confined set of rules.

This kind of situation ehances the problem solving skills of an individual and just like the previous points, it also teaches yet another important life lesson - Nothing is perfect. As it stands, there is no way to create a Pokemon with four moves that are super effective against any and all types of combinations, and there is only one combination (Dark/Ghost) that has absolutely no weakness (and which the only two Pokemon that has such attributes aren't even the best).

Understanding that nothing is perfect helps the child realize that there is no such thing as the perfect solution to all problems. This will free them up from being confined by the reliance towards one single, 'correct' answer and instead opens up their mind towards the possibility of experimenting with multiple different answers to solve a single problem - a think-out-of-the-box skill that is very hard to obtain through courses or a school syllabus which stresses on defined right and wrongs.

The fact that no one thing is perfect also plays deliciously well into the other aspect that is greatly played in all Pokemon franchises - teamwork is absolutely crucial for success. You can have a maximum of 6 Pokemon in your team, all of which have to work somewhat synergetically with each other to cover each other's weaknesses in order to defeat any and all kinds of opponents ^o^
Teamwork also plays a big role in the storyline. The main characters of all Pokemon stories succeed solely because of their great bond with their Pokemon. They are able to know what each other is thinking, enabling split-second decisions and intuitive strategies spawning in the heat of battle (all of which are very very cool).

This helps your child to value friendship and companionship highly, turning them into a generously chivalrous person as well as turning them away from the gamer stereotype of becoming a recluse (though being a gamer isn't a bad thing as it sure beats becoming a drug addict or getting influenced by bad company). They'll also be more willing to work in a team because they understand the importance of strength in numbers and putting their heads together ^o^ This knowledge makes them more tolerant towards other people as well :)

Another value that can be gained from playing pokemon is from the game's role playing game (RPG) nature. Being thrust into the role of the main character, faced with decisions from the start (like choosing one starter out of three pokemon) and throughout the game (like where to go, and what moves and types of pokemon to have in their teams and down to even what moves to use in a battle) helps the child gain confidence in making decisions. This introduces them to the concept of trial and error and the fact that its okay to be in control and make the call instead of waiting for someone to tell them what to do (which is a rare thing for a child, especially, as nobody really trusts them with anything .o.).

There are many, many more advantages and important life lessons a child can learn from playing pokemon and I've only covered a few ^_^ I know I'm not a perfectly great individual or anything, but I grew up playing pokemon and other fun games like it and am lucky enough to be exposed to a myriad of different positive influences from gaming and watching animes and I can happily say that it helped me a lot to shape me as a person as well as my ideology ^o^

So yeah, give pokemon a try~ Let your kid have some fun :3 who knows, it might actually help her/him to become a great leader in the future *_*

Like all other presidents, I think Doraemon helped Brock out in his youth, too XD

[*] All images are owned by artists scattered throughout the internet which I have no idea nor the discipline to go search and properly attribute each of them .o. sorry guys. I got them off zerochan ^o^; if anyone who owns any of the artwork wants them taken down please let me know :3 sorry and thanks!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How manga benefits your life

Before I start, for those of you who don't know what 'manga' means, what are you doing reading my blog?! @O@ Welcome! *O* Who are you and pleased to meet you! *shakes your hands vigorously* ^O^ Sorry for all the emoticons and manga/anime exclusive expressions that have escaped you >o< It must've been hard, reading all these nonsensical nonsense... go educate yourself :|

With that out of the way, there are actually many ways in which manga can benefit one's life;

One is the most literal way, where the think-out-of-the-box and out-of-this-world scenarios I've learned from being exposed to manga allowed me to come up with otherwise unthinkable excuses to get out of life-threatening pinches!
While such skills are rarely needed in our relatively safe world nowadays, it never hurts to be prepared. After all, you never know when someone with a huge ass sword will come at you, right?

Which brings us to another great skill we can learn from manga~ It is a great source for learning martial arts of all sorts~! From swordfightingskating, hairstylingbasketball, to even trick shot pool! *o*

never get caught off guard ever again!

Okay, okay, for all the concerned parents out there, don't worry :) Manga isn't all about violence and competitiveness. It is also a great source to learn the rules of life and society ^o^ Unlike children-aimed comics or cartoons, the core audience of mangas varies from teenagers to even adults well into their forties! *o* and they tackle important issues that their target audience face in their everyday lives, asking even the most sensitive and philosophical questions... like religion *_*

Just like soap operas before them, such exposure to life's dilemmas and questions help the reader greatly in facing challenges in their own life, if only because of the simple fact that it is nothing new to them and the solution to all the problems they face has already been covered in chapter 193 last summer v_v

But such knowledge doesn't make a jaded person, no. Quite the contrary! Manga is famous for its excessively emotional characters and most agree that fans of anime and manga are quite animated indeed ^o^

Another thing that can be learned from reading manga is it teaches the reader to be more motivated to face their fears and tribulations >o<

Most main characters are subjected to the standard bildungsroman storyline where they face grueling challenge after challenge, eventually growing into a respectable character. What's important, though, is that none of them ever gave up *_*9 which makes them great role model material~

Manga also has its romantic side, where many of its already socially inept audience can benefit greatly from relationship advice and experience without getting emotionally hurt in the process! The most up-to-date (or effective) pick-up lines and ways to approach the opposite gender are showcased here and are useful tips for an embarrased, young teenager with nobody to turn to :3 (WARNING: May not work in real life situations)

There are plenty of great romantic mangas that showcase beautiful friendships and relationships between characters that many readers grow up wishing to have... and because they aren't the only ones being inspired by such mangas, many a relationship has grown from like-minded people who have both read about great relationships and want to emulate such things *o*

((the links for this whole section are noticably absent because I'm in the office and I don't wanna get fired TwT;))

...but of course, there are also many other kinds of relationships that are explored in the realm of mangas which are... best reserved for the most adventurous and are strictly not for the light hearted ^^;; (if you don't know what I'm talking about, its better that it is kept that way, trust me on this one +__+)

All in all, mangas are a great source of entertainment that can interestingly serve as a great medium for educating our generation of individualistic individuals who have seemingly forgotten (or are too embarrased) to seek lessons from other humans but instead refer to non-human sources.

If anything else, it helps avoid kids these days from being overly emo and start slitting their wrists and posting up pictures on their facebooks and livejournals crying to the tune of crawling~ in~ my skin~ ;_;

And so ends a short, short entry on the benefits of reading manga ^o^ If you haven't started reading one, give it a try~! And if you are a parent, stop asking your kid to study! er I mean, manga isn't a waste of time and you should read what your kid is reading as well~ You might learn something about them and more importantly, it gives you more stuff to talk about rather than "how was your day?" and "have you done your homework?" :)

[] All manga scanslated images belong to Bleach (c) Kubo Tite and blabla whatever whatever boring. The munkie emoticon comic was created by me back in the dark ages
[] Do click on all the links as the images of the mangas they corellate to really aids in the understanding of the context (if you are an avid anime/manga fan) or will help reccomend you to some of the mainstream mangas out there ^o^