Saturday, October 30, 2010

Normal blogpost *gasp* :O

To maintain a semblance of a normal blog, here's something more blog-like ^o^

I've been lacking sleep for the whole week *_* Every day I'm sleeping at around 3am and I'm waking up.. in the morning *_*; I thought I was pretty strong, being able to sustain myself through the whole week~ But here I am today, starting to get a headache T_T I feel a fever coming on, even

I seriously hate headaches.

I have a very strong weakness towards pain above the neck (that's what someone diagnosed me once, no, she isn't a doctor) I remember last week, I had a headache so bad I couldn't sleep for hours.. I put so much minyak angin and ate a few panadols even.. still nothing T_T Even tried vomitting, no good.

I pray to God that tonight won't be a sequel of that night.. (help me out man, even though I didn't subscribe to any of your religions or 'believe' in you.. ;__;)

On a healthier note, November's comings soon! *O* I'm so excited to start this nanowrimo thing~ I bet I can't finish 50k words.. but it's great practice!!

I'm starting to really lean towards writing for a living.. books, fiction or self-help, philosophy or .. religious >D nah. I'm even fine with articles for magazines or websites (newspapers?)~

I'm really interested *_* ...but I'm a full fledged amateur and I have close to zero knowledge about anything, since I'm always daydreaming in my own private world... XD;

Oh my, what a depressing post T_T I'm gonna go home now to get some rest. Bye ^o^/

Thursday, October 28, 2010

True story bro: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

Yes, I like this song a lot too. No, seriously. I kinda like Taylor Swift's voice too. Just her voice though. No, seriously :|

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Girls Should Play Starcraft 2

Okay girls, I know this might sound like some crazy shit, but hear me out.

There is no reason why you all shouldn't start playing Starcraft 2.

What is Starcraft 2, you might ask. Well, if you haven't noticed, it's just the hottest RTS - real time strategy game around right now and is considered to be way up there in terms of e-sports (now now gamers, we don't wanna start a flamewar and scare the girls -w-)

In other words, there are tons of geeks guys around the world going crazy over this, spending countless hours plotting modern warfare against each other, watching replays on youtube instead of porn, etc etc.

But what is a real time strategy game, anyway? It means the game goes on in real time! (duh) You have to build up your economy (collect money) and produce units (macromanaging), use them to attack your opponent, control them well enough so you're beating the crap out of the enemy (micromanaging), and build more expansions to support your economy and reinforcements, all at the same time!

Naturally, this would mean that the ability to multitask would be greatly beneficial to a Starcraft 2 pilot. And we all know that girls are the best multitaskers in the known universe ^_^ (Reason number one!)

Starcraft 2 is strategy game, and strategy is a real factor in all high level games. Build orders are what separate pro gamers from the noobs, and as such, good, careful, well-thought-out planning is a must for a successful build order. Which is coincidentally, yet another well known strength of girls~ (Reason number two!)

So basically, girl's are naturally predisposed to be pro Starcraft 2 players. But why would you want to be good at this game? (I know, right?)

First of all, being good at something always boosts one's confidence ^_^ And being good at Starcraft 2 earns you the respect of all your geek guy friends *_* (Reason number three!)

Second, you'll get to know a lot more guys friends! Facebook? That is so last decade,'s the way to go, and what's more, the games are infinitely cooler! (Reason number four!)

Do you know how many guys actually squee at their favourite pro gamers? (which are mostly also guys.. btw -o-) It's like how people spazz out about their favourite hawt celebrity~ The level of admiration is dizzying *_* Any girl who plays (and would so automatically pwn) Starcraft 2 could be catapulted to rockstar status overnight~ (Reason number five! If you're so inclined)

And of course, for all you bachelorettes out there, you'd definitely be able to find a guy out of the sea of geeks Starcraft 2 players *_* Some of them are even good looking! Yes, I know, most of them are geeks, for lack of a better term, but hear me out, (we) geeks are a good choice, really!

Geeks spend most of their time playing games, and most of them are recluses. That's not neccessarily a bad thing, for one, most games these days actually make you smarter! (don't quote me on this, I'm just pulling it out of my ass XP) and the nature of being a recluse shelters a guy from the treacherous dangers of the 'real world', meaning geeks are less likely to be overconfident jerks. This also means that they don't have many female friends, which means they're less likely to cheat on you, as well as almost guarantee their whole-hearted devotion to you (and the game you both love - free shared hobby! Just add hot water!)! (Reason number six! and seven! They're practically giving it away!)

There you have it, seven good reasons why girls should play Starcraft 2, as elegant as the seven wonders of the world~ I hope you're as excited as I am, and I hope to see you on! ^O^

Monday, October 25, 2010


I'm planning to join NaNoWriMo this year ^o^ which stands for National Novel Writing Month :3

Its basically a marathon for writers to write a 50,000 word 'novel', you can read a lot more about it (and hopefully join!) here ^o^

As you can see in the header, it starts in November, so I'll start writing then :3 I actually have no idea what kind of novel I'm going to write, though, especially when all my content is very.. blog-ish. A lot of philosophy and social commentary x_x Not very experienced in the storytelling/fiction department.

But why not, I wondered, especially since I'm such an expert at bullshitting and lying making up stories.. then I realised what was the main problem I encounter every time I try to start a story;

I can't think of a name for the character(s)!!!! T___T

Gosh, I don't know if it's psychological or I'm just plain bad at it, I really despise thinking up names.. I don't know how people do it. It took me months to decide the url for this blog, for example. I really wonder how I'm going to last 50,000 words without mentioning a name.. so.. god help me. lol XD;

Of course, I'm going to put my 'novel' up somewhere! And I'm planning to make a separate blog for it, and post it everywhere *_* Hopefully I'll get lots of feedback to keep me going.

One thing about nanowrimo is the focus on word count, which basically reduces most of the submissions to really, really rough drafts. I'm not really one to stand putting up rubbish and calling it a 'novel'.. so hopefully it'll be something good ^o^ I wont try too hard to make it perfect, though.

Ahh this blogpost is so seriously all over the place. I'm quite lethargic today, had a terrible headache yesterday +_+ I suspect it's because I was hungry, or because I stared at the computer for too long... I have a slight phobia with monitors now.. ;__;

See how la, my next posts might be putting up story ideas regarding nanowrimo~ I have a few, but none of them really stand out.. wish me luck XD

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jumping the Shark

Jumping the Shark is an idiom.. or an expression (I really need to get my terminology right..) that.. signifies the beginning of the end, basically.

Doesn't really make sense, does it? Well, it originated from a climatic scene from (a series, I think,) "Hollywood", which was apparently really awesome, and from what I gathered, after this point is when definition that our good friend Wicky.. jumped the shark.

The definition basically breaks into two basic ideas;

It is the moment that signifies the beginning of the downturn of a successful enterprise.
It's a moment, where you know that something has reached it's peak, its height, its climax. And then you know that after that, it's all going downhill.

Putting these two together, we'd reach a conclusion that jumping the shark basically signifies the Best Moment of Your Life, where as delightful as that is, it also means that by being the best moment, the subsequent moments of your (remaining) life would be.. not, best.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The (true) story of Cinderella

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella.

Cinderella was first born of a wealthy family down south, which was filled with large and spacious properties owned by rich people. She lived a happy and blissful life up till the age of seven, where her father decided to have an affair with the maid.

Her mother, the one responsible for the family's wealth, said that she would have none of that, and went on to disown both her husband and her daughter so that she could live her life as a full-fledged wealthy business woman. She lived only for her job and is said to have died alone, surrounded by only her wealth.

Cinderella then became a nomad housekeeper along with the maid and her father. It was after two months of scrubbing rich people's bathrooms that her father became a chronic alcoholic and decided to commit double suicide with his maid, leaving poor Cinderella to fend all on her own.

With nobody to turn to, Cinderella traveled to the north, the big city, ripe with opportunity and filled with all kinds of people. It is here that a series of dramatically life changing events would occur.

Monday, October 18, 2010

So much work

I have so much work to do T_T And I have my assignment due on wednesday.. which I have no idea how to do anyway, and am seriously considering not doing it T_T I've become so lazy..

And I'm seriously worried about why are people getting the impression that I'm a girl from my real name.. is my surname really that feminine?! Not that it's a bad thing to be thought of as a girl or anything.. see, I'm all for gender equality, and anybody that thinks its demeaning to be 'girly' is really.. er.. not good la.

(What's the word for a person that's anti feminist? masochist? wait...)

So yeah, I figured the best thing I can do now is to get to the cybercafe nearby and have a jolly Starcraft 2 time with my buddies~ *u* Bwahahaha~

*needs halp T^T

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The tragic state of humanity..?

Not long ago, I was sitting as I am now, in a cyber cafe checking out stuffs because I have no internet at home.

Suddenly, it started raining!

I was shocked and dismayed T_T I wanted to quickly come in, check and download the neccesary stuffs, then go back home and have dinner.. I was stuck in the rain, alone, food-less and money-less...

The only thing I had was the Internet!

And it wasn't enough to sustain me T_T

That's why la, people ask me all the time "how can you live without internet ah, if I ah, sure die if no internet for one day".

That's not true! I don't need internet to live! And I bet neither do you! In fact, if I had nothing but the internet, I would be close to death! >o< (believe me, I've been through it) So you don't need internet to live because you can live without the internet!

Ok la, that is so post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy right. T_T

Anyways, what I wanted to say was it's pretty tragic, how people are so reliant on the internet nowadays, so dependent! (Mr. Savio's words start to make sense now.. oh no..)

Which brings me to my next point, this reliance to the internet might actually be dumbing down society as a whole, as that is not good if you're a good person, but very good if you're a bad person.

There is this term on the internet, tl:dr (go look it up, I'm not going to link to it. Don't worry, I'll wait. ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD T_T see, I care for you ^o^)

...which literally means "too long; didn't read", which basically means "aiyo so long malas la", which kinda means "yor why you write so long wan +_+", which also means "omg wall of text ignore ignore"
...I blame it on the phenomena of chats, facebook, and most recently, twitter! And because I haven't really been on the internet very often, I bet the 'fast paced lifestyle' of the internet has already created yet another shorter form of conversation that puts twitter to shame~

Everything is getting smaller and shorter nowadays.. that's the cool thing to do, isn't it? It's what's in. Just look at all the girl's shorts and skirts.. not that i'm complaining.. ahem :3 Yeah, the existence of these phenomena has the exact same effect as the invention of the calculator some 190  years ago (mad shoutout to my buddy Wikipedia, the most unreliable source on the [known] internet), with a calculator, you don't need to calculate petty calculations in your head, or waste a page of precious papyrus leaves! Just *tap tap tap* TADA ^O^

Which tragically brings us back to the sad explanation of the steep decline in produced texts over 50 words. Novels and storybooks are 'acquired tastes' now, people rather digest the wonderful plot through the eyes of a director (which leads to the death of imagination and creativity, as you often need someone else to do it for you, but, that, is a story for another day) in the cinema, or just download it online, for FREE :D

What good is writing anything anymore then, if it can only be appreciated by a select few whilst the exponential majority of humans simply turn away when confronted with a huge wall of text (such as this one). There goes my career as a book author :P

But hey, I'm not saying we should throw our bodies upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers and all the apparatus of the internet to.. er.. make it stop? or something. Look at me, I don't have internet, I say I don't rely on it, but here I am, in a cyber cafe downloading information and blogging to.. you :D

Monday, October 11, 2010


Triple day! So what did I do on 10/10/10? :D

Ehehe.. I didn't go back to sleep after all. I went out to KLCC *o* (on my own, but) it was fun!

Never been there for what feels like years... I attacked Kinokuniya and saw so many books that I want to buy! Unfortunately I don't have enough money.. so I'll have to wait till I get a better job, I guess T_T

Then, I walked around KLCC~ here and there~ all the places where I used to hang out with friends and etc.. ah, so nostalgic, I was so young back then.. XD

Eating was what I wanted to do next, so I went to grab somethings. First, I went to Subway and got myself 3 chocolate chip cookies (3.60) I love their chocolate chip cookies ;_; too bad the ones I got earlier wasn't softsoft and tasty.. but still! Good ^o^

Next, I went up to the upstairs foodcourt and wanted to get pancakes with hazelnut cream.. I loved to get those, especially during breaktime with my colleagues back when I was working part time there.. BUT THEY DON'T SELL THEM ANYMORE ;o; tragedy.

Tragedy or no, I still wanted to get something from the foodcourt to munch, so I opted to get the nicenice cheesecake (2.50). Its pretty small, but it was nice, and was always my second choice if I jelak eating the pancakes anyways XD

Exactly 10 minutes (and maybe 10 seconds) later, I started counting how much I spent. The train ticket that I got, (2.00 one way X 2 = 4.00) and suddenly, I realised I spent exactly 10 dollars and 10 cents! 10.10 on 10/10/10! XD How awesome is that~?!

Not convinced? ...ok la, I admit there was some pre-calculation involved, but I still wouldn't have wanted to force myself to get something cheaper/more expensive for the sake of getting the 10.10 figure.. so yeah! I don't care, I feel like I did something awesome~ good enough *grins like an idiot*

*ahem* I'm pretty content with today, hopefully, the remaining triple days (11/11/11 and 12/12/12) will be as, if not more, awesome *O*

Obligatory First Post!

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all."
Mario Savio, Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964

This blog took it's name from Mario Savio's most famous speech.

This blog, however, isn't one championing for Free Speech Movement, nor is the author politically active or inclined.

In fact, this blog would be full of randomness and.. for a lack of a better term, crap.

And total disregard for proper grammar, sentence structure, and common sense.

Ironically, I'm a linguist :D ..well I'm a linguistic student, so I'm more than halfway there.. I hope.

I'd also like to point out that I only know Mr. Savio as much as my good friend Wikipedia would tell me, which isn't an awful lot.

I got to know him from a song recorded some 14 years after he died, a song which is coincidentally one track after my favourite song from the latest Linkin Park album and the track after my second favourite.

This blog had to be created right now, at this moment, 10:10:10 a.m, on the 10th of October 2010, because, well, I wanted to do something cool :P It would be a shame if this blog died 10 hours 10 minutes 10 seconds later, so I hope I'll be able to blog 10 times 10 times 10 times that amount (and hopefully more :P).

And now, I'm going to go home and sleep so I can wake up later to pull off even more cool stuff.. hopefully T_T