Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Girls Should Play Starcraft 2

Okay girls, I know this might sound like some crazy shit, but hear me out.

There is no reason why you all shouldn't start playing Starcraft 2.

What is Starcraft 2, you might ask. Well, if you haven't noticed, it's just the hottest RTS - real time strategy game around right now and is considered to be way up there in terms of e-sports (now now gamers, we don't wanna start a flamewar and scare the girls -w-)

In other words, there are tons of geeks guys around the world going crazy over this, spending countless hours plotting modern warfare against each other, watching replays on youtube instead of porn, etc etc.

But what is a real time strategy game, anyway? It means the game goes on in real time! (duh) You have to build up your economy (collect money) and produce units (macromanaging), use them to attack your opponent, control them well enough so you're beating the crap out of the enemy (micromanaging), and build more expansions to support your economy and reinforcements, all at the same time!

Naturally, this would mean that the ability to multitask would be greatly beneficial to a Starcraft 2 pilot. And we all know that girls are the best multitaskers in the known universe ^_^ (Reason number one!)

Starcraft 2 is strategy game, and strategy is a real factor in all high level games. Build orders are what separate pro gamers from the noobs, and as such, good, careful, well-thought-out planning is a must for a successful build order. Which is coincidentally, yet another well known strength of girls~ (Reason number two!)

So basically, girl's are naturally predisposed to be pro Starcraft 2 players. But why would you want to be good at this game? (I know, right?)

First of all, being good at something always boosts one's confidence ^_^ And being good at Starcraft 2 earns you the respect of all your geek guy friends *_* (Reason number three!)

Second, you'll get to know a lot more guys friends! Facebook? That is so last decade, Battle.net's the way to go, and what's more, the games are infinitely cooler! (Reason number four!)

Do you know how many guys actually squee at their favourite pro gamers? (which are mostly also guys.. btw -o-) It's like how people spazz out about their favourite hawt celebrity~ The level of admiration is dizzying *_* Any girl who plays (and would so automatically pwn) Starcraft 2 could be catapulted to rockstar status overnight~ (Reason number five! If you're so inclined)

And of course, for all you bachelorettes out there, you'd definitely be able to find a guy out of the sea of geeks Starcraft 2 players *_* Some of them are even good looking! Yes, I know, most of them are geeks, for lack of a better term, but hear me out, (we) geeks are a good choice, really!

Geeks spend most of their time playing games, and most of them are recluses. That's not neccessarily a bad thing, for one, most games these days actually make you smarter! (don't quote me on this, I'm just pulling it out of my ass XP) and the nature of being a recluse shelters a guy from the treacherous dangers of the 'real world', meaning geeks are less likely to be overconfident jerks. This also means that they don't have many female friends, which means they're less likely to cheat on you, as well as almost guarantee their whole-hearted devotion to you (and the game you both love - free shared hobby! Just add hot water!)! (Reason number six! and seven! They're practically giving it away!)

There you have it, seven good reasons why girls should play Starcraft 2, as elegant as the seven wonders of the world~ I hope you're as excited as I am, and I hope to see you on Battle.net! ^O^


  1. LOL, you're just trying to boost the SC2 female gamers on Battle.net to add to your variety of potential possible future wives :P

    The only thing that caught my attention was the whole-hearted devotion. But that... is not 100% either :P

  2. lol XP thanks thanks! but whole-hearted devotion means 100%! >_<

  3. *laughs so hard*
    *dies a little inside*
