Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Study on Ideas

Good ideas are those that have halos on their heads and dedicate their lives to serve towards the betterment of everything in general. :)

Bad ideas are those that have horns on their heads and try their best to achieve their selfish goals which have nothing to do with the betterment of anything in general. :(

The end ^o^

I can go on and on and write a whole week's worth of posts regarding the different types of ideas. There are as many different types of ideas as there are different types of people! Because ideas originate from people! Heheh.

Of course, I'm not going to do that. I'm a big fan of simplifying things so that I can get my points through easily :D (says the person that spews long winded posts talking about absolutely nothing 8P) and really, when you want to talk about ideas, there are really only two types of ideas.

But they're not good ideas nor bad ideas >o<

There are only ideas that are used, and ideas that are unused.

To understand this (not really) profound statement, one must first understand the concept of where ideas come from, and who exactly owns ideas.

Well, actually, ideas come from everywhere, and nobody owns them ^_^

That's right! Believe it or not, ideas are like oxygen particles *o* They float around in the air and are naturally abundant throughout nature~ All it takes for us humans, with brains specifically designed to pluck the choicest bits of ideas from literally thin air (or thick air) is to tune into the right frequency and grab the ideas when we seem (think of) them ^o^

This is how people often end up with similar ideas even though they have never seen or heard of each other ever (an occurrence happening and being reported ever so often thanks to the internationalization of the internet) They just happened to be on the same wavelength and tuned into the same idea~!

And I'm not making shit up about likening them to oxygen particles either :T You know how people usually get groundbreaking ideas especially when they're in the shower or the bathroom? You guessed it! Water has lots of oxygen in it! ^o^ Writer's block? Drink more water, kids! Who would've thought, our parent's advice actually makes sense @o@

Seriously, though, ideas are really out there, and since nobody owns them, they're pretty much anyone's game. You don't see people discovering new species of animals and claiming that they created them! The most they do is name them, like how a parent names their child ^o^ And that is how one should treat ideas, as their widdle babies ^w^

No, parents do not own their children, they're merely responsible for them. Sooner or later, all parents accept that their children are beings with their own free will and have to leave the nest someday~ The same is true for ideas :) You'd naturally be responsible for any ideas that you brought up, but they will leave your hands someday and develop further~ (usually through innovation by others or even by yourself!)

So there is really no point in trying to stick a flag with your name on it and trying to claim an idea as yours. Because its not yours. Yes, this goes against everything the words plagiarism and copyright stands for. So what if people steal ideas? The very fact that one would be so protective of ownership towards an idea is solid proof that that person is unable (or not confident) in producing more (or better) ideas in the future~ They're hinging all their success and 'name' on that one idea.. that they plucked out of thin air.

Let them copy your ideas, let them blatantly steal your ideas. If they're able to use them effectively, it might as well be theirs, as ideas have to be wielded successfully in order to be accepted. Always remember that if you could think of something, it is very likely that there is someone else in the world that thought of it too. But if the thieves are unable to wield your ideas, they would make fools out of themselves, and most importantly, they will never be able to make ideas that are even similar to the stolen idea, whereas you could easily produce more new (and better?) ideas consistently ^o^

Let's return to our profound statement. There are only two types of ideas; used and unused. That is the only difference where ideas can be measured upon. Good idea, bad idea, it's all a matter of perception. A construction helmet would be a horrible idea for a fashionista, but if you're working in a construction site with bricks falling on your head, that silly looking yellow helmet will start to look like a very very good idea.. :P

Ideas are meant to be used. That is the whole purpose of their existence, floating around happily in the air, tantalizing us with the promise that euphoric eureka! moment ^o^

The biggest crime one can commit upon ideas is to not use them. There have been many, many times where brilliant ideas pop into my mind, but I did not put them to use, I didn't even tell them to a friend or write them down. Oftentimes this happens because I'm in the shower, where I have the tendency to accidentally flush ideas down the drain.. ;__; But other times, I hesitate to put out the ideas that I manage to capture because I want to make them better, to make improve on them before unleashing them on the world~ and perhaps most importantly, I don't want anyone else to steal it and improve on it, or make a profit out of it! Blasphemous.

What always happens, though, is I end up leaving those ideas untouched for a long time, maybe forever. What a waste! And true to the statement I made earlier, if I could capture that idea, so could someone else, and before you know it, the idea that I thought I had caged in my fridge is running around happily as an anime in Japan or a novel in reader's arms... T_T;

The moral of this story is, don't worry about all this. Just put the ideas out and work on it as you go ^o^ I've learnt that the best way to do something well is to actually start doing it. You might actually succeed, and if someone beats you to it, you could always sue them for copyright convince yourself that you played a part in that awesome idea because they stumbled upon your idea and borrowed from it... :P


  1. i always plagiarise. throughout my entire school life. i know it doesn't help by saying everyone's doing it! and i find it super difficult, not plagiarising for my research paper because it'll be marked in uk. T.T

    is it possible for u to help me convince them that stealing of ideas is perfectly okay and ethical?

  2. oh, don't worry~ people do what you do ALL the time ^__^ especially in academia~

    know how they get away with it? Its called 'quoting' *o* You attribute the ideas to the source of where you got them from, giving credit to the authors/sources, and paraphrasing a little here and there. Tada~ you've just successfully plagiarised legally *O*
