Monday, January 10, 2011

Motivational Monday

The general consensus is that people feel unmotivated on Mondays because nobody's gears have really started turning and everyone's really sluggish and all.. so today I'll attempt to write something motivational on Monday~! ...which will end in about an hour or so -_-

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Have you ever made something?

It can be anything, something made out of lego, a drawing of your favourite thing, a love letter, hate mail, homework, instant noodles, bla bla bla...

*half an hour later*

...ahem. Sorry. Yes, everyone has made something. Even if the only thing you've made in your life is poop, you've made something!

Do you ever think to yourself, "is this good enough?" 

"Did I do a good enough job?" 

"Will this be accepted?"

If you've thought of any or all of such questions     regarding your poop, that would be really... funny ^o^; haha ha ha..

..often times, after I've made something, I wonder if it was good enough and worry if it is up to standards. In fact, I've wondered about this so much (as I've made a lot of things *cough* every morning in fact.. eee) that I've eventually solved the question!

To everyone that wants to do their best at something, the best way to do so is to judge it according to your own standards. If you think it's good, it'll be good. If you think it's bad, no matter how good people say it is, it's bad.

Now I'd like to give a word of caution, if you're a person that easily settles for mediocrity, this might not work for you. Take note that this is based on my own line of thinking where I am constantly my harshest critic and I set an impossibly high standard for everything I do... not that I live up to it XP; long story short, I'm the type of guy who says he's bad at everything and everything he does sucks.

You might already know about this and are going 'che -o-', but if you don't, this is the kind of thing that seems obvious but really isn't and when it is pointed out, it clicks and you go ":O! why didn't I think of that~". I've yet to come up with a proper term to describe this phenomenon... but aaanyways

When I post stuff on my blog, unless I'm rushing off, I often re-read the contents that blogpost. On one hand, it's just good proofreading, but on the other hand, I'm also seeing if it's up to standard. There are a few blogposts that got terminated immediately or didn't even get posted because of this.. Even now, the existance of this very blogpost is balancing on a tip of a knife (or as we say in Malaysia, like an egg balancing on a tip of the bull's horn.. wah that's a roundabout way to say it) because I'm not really sure how to relay what little motivational information I have for you.

So the next time you make something, take a look at it yourself. Re-read that essay that you're about to submit. Taste that dish that you're about to feed to someone else. Think about how .. ok I have no idea what demographic reads my blog so I'll stop with the examples here -_-
You really don't have to worry about what other people will think of it, because according to my experience, oftentimes their opinions will be consistent with your own opinion! 

There are days that I wake up and look at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth and I narcissistically think to myself "Hey, I look good today!" (experts have now determined this to be due to the phenomena that is the Good Hair Day) and during that day, I have a lot more confidence in everything I do~ whilst if I look bad that day (a.k.a Bad Hair Day + didn't shave) I'm a lot more reserved and the day often ends pretty gloomily for me...

The same can be said for my blogposts. Some of them I reread and go "..what the heck is this" but just let it slide because I spent like two years writing it. Those posts get no love.. whilst there are a few posts that I reread and actually laugh to myself (I really love my own brand of humor.. XP) and more often than not, those posts generate a really good response ^o^

So basically I'm saying that you don't really have to worry about what other people think when you make something. The only person's opinion you have to worry about is your own! Everyone else will just magically follow suit~!

...or will they? Of course, nothing is certain in life, and there are always those annoying corner cases that always rise to prove any sort of attempt at generalisation wrong. Sometimes you're infinitely proud of that masterpiece that you've created but it gets shot down by some pompous asshole that thinks it 'sucks'. :(

What do we do about that? We should obviously not give a shit damn shit damn (I can't decide which is better, sorry) about what they think! If you think you did a good job, it means you tried your best! And nobody can say otherwise ^__^b Good job! *gives you a pat on the back*

Of course, you'll have to be brutally honest with yourself about this. Don't ever lie to yourself, that's just setting yourself up for disaster. If you know what you made wasn't up to your own standards, then you won't get cocky if it somehow meets other people's (lower) standards, and will try to do better in the future~ and if that pompous asshole tries to look down on you for your half-assed work, you won't feel as offended because its just facts, man. No worries, you'll show them next time, when you do a full-assed job! ...wait.

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..*rereads*.....wait a minute, how is this even motivational?! ARGH *flips table* (/-O-)/~~~ ||___||


  1. I constructed a good 4 color sealed deck last time and u know it... u tried to shot that down sayin its impossible but i managed to pull it off... gods top decks lol... kneel before me

    owh prerelease coming soon... u playin?

  2. you memang hero wan you =w=

    yeah man, as long as I'm not outstation somewhere for CNY or something, I'll definitely be there at the prerelease *__* You? Please come and make a 4 color sealed again LOL

  3. im going... payed dy... lets see if i hav to pull that stunt again lol.. hopefully not (cross fingers)
