Saturday, January 22, 2011

Crosspost Feature: Dolphins!

This post originally ran on my livejournal last Thursday~ yes, while I was supposed to be off on holiday from blogging, I go ahead and write the longest post I've written in weeks v__v Irony is me.

Its half story-idea half what-if with bits of national geographic peppered into it *_* I was quite impressed with how it turned out (gosh, I sound so full of myself bwahahaha v__v;;) I hope you'd have a good time reading and imagining~ :D

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It all started with a concept I got when I was watching To Aru Majutsu no Index (Season 2)~ I think the line from the subs was something like "dolphins are the humans of the sea." Whoa *__*

Then the idea blossomed in my mind, I started building bullshit over bullshit of made up facts until I can apply that line logically into a storyline~ Its like putting on the layers of an onion in reverse *o* By the way, if you cry when you cut onions, what happens if you put them back together? Do your eyes dry, or do you laugh? :O

So it goes like this, dolphins are smart, right? We (humans) know that they have amongst the highest level of 'intelligence' in regards to other animals, and they also have the ability to communicate with one another just like humans ^o^ I think it's also arguable that they have their own form of 'language' as well...

But that's not all. The interesting part is what we actually don't know (yet). The thing is, dolphins are actually smarter and more capable than you think.

Dolphins actually evolved from the same line of large-brained intelligence-centric mammals that us humans evolved from. It's highly theorized that the earliest forms of which this branch of mammals took form of an amphibious ape. That's right, we're actually suited for an aquatic lifestyle instead of life on land.

Don't believe me? Did you know that babies naturally float, and giving birth is actually best done underwater? Have you ever wondered why we only have thick bushes of hair over our heads? It's primarily to protect our brains from the heat of the sun, as it's the only part of our bodies which is exposed to the heat (the rest is normally submerged underwater).

Bullshit? Not quite. Did you realize that the hair on all other parts of our bodies are naturally water-friendly, as in they do not give extra resistance when in water? Think when you're in the swimming pool or when you bathe, the hair on your arms and legs naturally stick to your body, following the flow of water, right? Then look at the joints between your fingers and toes, notice the thin layer of skin that resembles frog's webbed feet? Ahah~

Still hard to believe? That's okay. I've got more. Humans have to have a balanced diet of meat and veggies in order to live properly, right? Wrong. In fact, humans can actually survive with a diet consisting only of fish. We can't actually benefit nor digest everything from both meats and plants, in fact, too much of either one results in a failure in our body system. Too much fat, too much oil, no good. But fish~ everything about the fish is good, even the fat, even the oil! Were you ever forced to eat cod liver oil when you were young? ^_~ Fish, is also the only meat that our bodies can tolerate raw (think sushi :P no wonder Japanese live long lives!)

---okay, all this information, I have to admit, I got from a book I read :P yes, there are people smarter than me, and did a ton more research on this *__* but what comes next is all me T_T---

So that's all very convincing. But where do dolphins come into the equation? You see, these amphibious ancestors of ours were spread out all over the world thanks to their awesome ability to adapt to whatever situation thanks to their superior intelligence. There are two types of waters, the shallow waters (lakes, rivers - a.k.a freshwater) and the deep waters (seas a.k.a saltwater). As you can probably guess by now, us humans gradually evolved from the freshwater amphibious apes (plus, did you learn in History that most early human civilizations have one thing in common - they all are centered around rivers / water sources?)

This all leads to the conclusion that dolphins (and whales, to a larger extent.. haha, larger, get it?) evolved from our saltwater ancestors. Hard to believe? They don't look a bit like apes at all, do they? Well, actually, if you had x-ray vision, they might. It is known (from - believe it or not, a Doraemon comic lol I hope it's actually a fact.. too rushed to wiki now) that the bones inside the fins of a dolphin resemble fingers, they're not just slabs of bone! Amazing! @o@ [citation really needed]

Of course, to be able to adapt to the vast differences of oceanic life, a humanoid body is definitely a no-no, so our distant cousins the dolphins look almost nothing like us. But like they say, don't judge a book by it's cover. Dolphins are actually just as smart, if not smarter, than us!

"But how can that be~" you might claim. "We have so made so many things~ complex civilizations~ god damnit, we made the internet!" haha.. while that's all true and no small feat, the dolphins have also created such things. We just don't know it because it's hidden from us, or rather, we lack the ability to perceive it.

Now, this is going to sound like I pulled this out of my ass (well I kinda did...), but the truth is, the dolphin's intelligence has evolved into the form of psychic and telekinetic abilities! *O*

With the ability of telekinesis, dolphins have been able to do things underwater that we could never imagine possible with the tools at our disposal. In fact, they are able to build civilizations and even defeat the greatest of the giants of the sea~ I'm not saying each dolphin is on the level of Mewtwo, no. The fact that telekinesis would be absurdly powerful underwater is because.. of the water!

Think about it, the ability to control the flow of space itself around you would mean that you can easily move in any direction, push anything away, and pull anything towards you. Dolphins would be able to make whirlpools, tidal waves, massive undersea currents for any purpose! Of course one single dolphin would not have such awe-inspiring power, but a community of them working together. Whoa~

I'd like to believe that somewhere, deep under the sea where nobody has ventured before, are underwater caverns made by dolphins *_* It'd be like those kind of underwater caverns that have air pockets in them~ and the shape of everything there would be beautifully smooth and curved, due to the nature of dolphin architecture which utilizes strong currents and water pressure.

The community of the dolphins are also very strong and tight-knit thanks to the nature of psychic connection. In a way, the water actually acts as a medium of conduction that increases psychic waves, which is mainly how dolphins came to have this ability while us humans do not - psychic waves travel better under water while sound waves and light travel better in air. Being surrounded with water, all dolphins in a radius are naturally connected. In a way, each dolphin's brain is a wireless modem that's connected to a natural 'internet'! *_*

The fact that a dolphin community is naturally connected with each other produces a very harmonious and hive-minded society, where hierarchy is not needed in order to have a functioning society. Everyone's looking out for each other and understands each others needs completely. Thanks to the universal applications of a psychic connection, there is a zero chance of misunderstandings or lies, resulting in an almost Utopian society that has no conflicts whatsoever.

The question then, is what do dolphins do in their free time? Well, if I were to take a stance similar to those who study animals and nature in general, dolphins wouldn't really have the need for entertainment because in nature (supposedly), everything is in a constant struggle to survive and further their species. But I think that is too much of an extreme in the other direction.

Instead, I think it's a mixture of both - dolphins have less free time than us humans because they are less likely to procrastinate. In a society where everyone looks out for each other, everyone is doing something for the community. This doesn't mean that dolphins don't know how to have fun, no. Even we know that dolphins have lots of fun. We see them swimming happily splashing out above the surface in the wild, singing happily, and thanks to observations of dolphins in captivity, we've also learned that dolphins do lots of things for entertainment such as playing with bubbles, (and even laugh at each other) or even have casual sex o_o (seriously, I have watched and read about this on more than one occasion) [citation desperately needed]

Of course, a good critical thinker would argue that these human-like behavior and need for entertainment might be due to the fact that domesticated dolphins are confined, therefore have nothing to do, unlike their wild (and free) kin. They're constantly fed, and are in no danger of predators. So they naturally get... bored? This kind of logic supports the thinking that dolphins do not actually need entertainment to survive.. which dangerously poses to question.. are we bored because we're also 'confined'? hohoho :3

That aside, it would be kinda cool if in the main city of dolphins, they actually congregate and take part in activities that aren't related to fighting for survival (like 'animals') and are more focused on developing a community (like 'humans'). Whoa. Imagine a group of psychically connected dolphins engaging in.. their.. conscience.. like.. the matrix @O@ LOL play online games on their 'internet' LOL Watercraft 2 +w+

...coming back to more logical things, you might still have a question (if you mind hasn't been blown yet); If dolphins are so powerful and intelligent, how, or why did they get caught and get locked in zoos?!

Well, one explanation is pretty duh, even humans get attacked by animals or experience accidents. So it's only natural for a dolphin to be able to caught and held captive. Some dolphins though, approach humans on their own free will :D As much as we're fascinated by dolphins, they are also fascinated by us! And of course, thanks to the shared level of intelligence between our two species, friendships are also able to be formed ^_^ but don't take advantage of the dolphins >< They might seem silly or gullible, but that is only because they lack the caution and suspicion due to their society that doesn't have things such as lies and conflicts...

In conclusion, I have only exposed the tip of a major iceberg that's still submerged under the ocean~ there are still multitudes of things we can learn about dolphins - and learn from them. I started this post talking about how dolphins might measure up to us humans in terms of creations and intelligence, "we made the internet!" But I think the truth is, I think it's better to think of how we can measure up to the dolphins because actually, it's more like we're trying to catch up to them. *_*


  1. hahaha big "like"

    u hav an even more absurd way of thinking that me

    it almost sounded like there is a dolphin community/world somewhere (maybe in the grand line idk) i rlly hope there is... im a big one piece fan soz :s

    Dolphin A telepathically poke Dolphin B... dooood wanna go get "coked"?

    p/s - i couldnt believe i read this whole long absurd post
    p/s/s - DFTBA LOL

  2. you didn't like it on facebook! LOL jk jk :P

    bwahahaha thank you, thank you. Kembang sudah *_*; hehe, I'm a huge fan of one piece too.. I love how it seems like it's not going to end anytime soon.. so awesome *_* glad to hear there are more hardcore fans too~

    who knows, maybe there are a community of dolphins undersea~ *_* you should go adventure and find out!

  3. iichiro oda made me cry a few times... damn you oda!!

    jom kitsu... be my nakama and lets travel on a ship to the new world... im getting tired of working ~_~

    p/s - they reached the red line ard episode 400 so the anime would prolly end ard 800... its a long way but im already feeling sad thinking its gonna end someday

  4. >< i should really start making it a point to reply straightaway after reading ur blogpost. when i do other stuff and come back with the intention of spamming, i wont have anything to say anymore. T.T like this post orz aside from the usual OMGTHISPOSTISSOINFORMATIONAL.MESUPERLIKE

  5. lol thanks for the feedback as always you guys T_T If I ever become a famous writer in the future, I'll never forget my two biggest fans.. LOL SO PERASAN XP

    lol khairul *_* I.. am afraid of the sea LOL but yeah, I cried so many times reading one piece.. I never really watched the anime though. I always dreamed about having nakamas as well.. *sob sob* ;__;

    ...well, we can both go on the pro tour and "play the game.. see the world.." LOL XP

  6. *prepared to kena bunuh* when i saw you,khairul typing nakama, i thought it meant okama. i was like why would u want an okamaaaaaaa??? then kitsuneeee said he wanted nakamas too. which made me go O.O.


    ....not really :p

  7. lol interestingly, one piece has a legendary pirate group that are all okama as well v__v as well as a certain okama pirate that was really cool and surprisingly manly.. LOL dunno if you watched/read or not, but Mr. 2 is the manliest okama ever LOL

  8. idk what okama means... just googled it *gasp*

  9. lol Mr.2 wasn't a big enough hint? XD
