Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hey spambots,

you guys always spam my chatbox right, so often that I actually think that I can consider you guys as friends... ^_^

So tell me, do ads and spamming really pay well?

I've been making it a point to blog every weekday and its starting to feel like a job. So I thought, might as well make some money off it, right?

So yeah, how do you make money out of blogging? @_@ Is it really viable? or are those just scams and hoaxes trying to siphon money off my (non-existent) credit card?

...I bet the spambots won't layan me at all. They seem like the type of friends that are always there when they need you but miraculously go missing whenever you need them :P

Oh yeah, Happy Thaipusam to anyone celebrating it *O* Public holiday~ Whee~~ which means...

* * Blogger off duty due to public holiday, BBL * *

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