Monday, January 17, 2011


(Sung to the tune of mmmmonster kill~!)

Wassup girls. Another week, another monday. Great week ahead :D Unless your week starts on Sunday, then too bad for you!

So I'm a filthy downloader, and I know lots of you are, too. Wanna see something hillarious? XD

sorry to all who don't understand Malay. btw, am I at risk of being caught or fined because of this?

LOL right?

For those too dense or lack the billingual facilities, the joke is in the fact that "file" in Malay is "fail".. and when it says "Muat turun fail sekarang", it reads like "download fail now" (to me). I got shocked at how the download failed before it begun a few times when I first saw this, and laughed like an idiot afterwards XD

The Malay language is so hillarious la, seriously. It never fails to amuse me. For example in the petrol station, I'm always amused by the fact that the pump labeled "Air" can really mean both water and air.. Because it has air for the tires and water to... wash your hands? lol XD talk about multipurpose labeling~

So yeah, don't let your Mondays be mundane. All you need is a little creativity (or some loose screws) and you can see things that'll cheer you up all over the place ^__^ have a nice week~ enjoy working~ XD (says the person that is currently unemployed and enjoying waking up at 4pm everyday <3)


  1. ROFL!!!! yeah the first time when i saw that i had the same reaction as you as well.

    *is envious you get to be a total bum* i'm 90% bum only. >.<

  2. wah what are you doing now? 90%? @@ Final year or something?

  3. have u heard of ACCA? it's 100% exam-oriented. it's not compulsory to attend tutorials. you just have to sit for exams every six months.

    so rightttt u know la, i'm darn lazy. i opted not to sign up for tutorials for some subjects. so this sem i have 8 hours of class, twice a week. XD that was also because my parents nagged me to sign up for some classes.

  4. oh *o* reminds me of my final year in college~ fun times *__* are you working? Or just slacking off.. if you need more money you should work v__v I wasted my time slacking lol

  5. the only place I really want to work in is borders.*gets kicked*

    i tried running through the idea of working in an audit firm with my parents. and got a big fat no.
    "why do u want to start working so early? u'll be working for the next 40 yrs of ur life. bla bla bla" so yeah i'm rotting at home and everybody's happy

  6. lol nice what like that, can enjoy yourself doing nothing ^_^ though I'd recommend working at a bookstore~ I worked in Kinokuniya for awhile and it was fun :3

  7. yeah i want to. it's my dream. really. only that it would be very costly working there because i live on the mainland. lol my mom said,"ur salary can't even cover ur travelling expenses" ><

  8. lol your dream is working at a bookstore? @@ It's not really all that interesting.. but I guess if you aim to go to the management level, you could make a living out of it ^o^

    hehe :P Move to the island la~ or come to KL *o*

  9. u aspire to become an educator right? you should 'educate' my dad as to how important it is to let his kid leave its nest. ;p

    ou the main reason why i want to work in borders is becauseicangetstaffratepricefortheirmangas. <-----yes i'm really useless

  10. big deal... im the victim of failure to launch too... my parents wont let me leave the house hahaha... i work in KLCC and i hav to commute everyday... took me donkey years to get to and from my office (1 hour actually lol)

  11. lol ebts download manga only la XP *shot* hmm.. maybe I'll make a blogpost about how important it is to let kids leave the nest *o* bwahahaha

    lol kesian khairul :P You just gotta put your feet down and run away from home! lol XP kidding. But you really should take a stand and fight for it if you really want to leave the house :P I did~

  12. kitsune: yes i'll ask my dad to read that. then i'll have to endure the endless reasons why i can'T move out. because u're a girl! it's dangerous. you're still young bla bla bla. orz

    khairul: you should run to kitsune's houseeeeee since he's indirectly offering XD

  13. lol my place cant store any other people T_T full capacity thanks to 9 cats *o*;

    hehe okie, I'll make sure to include stuff specifically about girls /ok

  14. im the eldest and i hav younger siblings to take care of... thats the reason why im not moving out just yet... and just so lazy to find place to rent... they surely dont hav unifi XD

  15. lol i see i see.. wah~ khairul is such a responsible brother *_* kakkoi~
