Friday, March 4, 2011

The Time Traveler's Sleeping Habits

(not a sequel to The Time Traveler's Wife)

Once upon a time, there was a young boy that loved to procrastinate. Whenever something became a routine for him, he procrastinated. It was so bad that he even procrastinates on eating. "Food tastes the yummiest when you're starving, though! D:" he would refute.

Being a fierce procrastinator, our hero always faced the problem of not having enough time. "Sigh. Why don't I ever have enough time to do what I want? T_T" he would bemoan.

One day night, while he was about to sleep, he saw a shooting star outside his window. Because he grew up watching Disney (tm) movies, he frantically began to chant his wish; "I wanna be able to time travel! Time travel time travel time travel! Then I'll have all the time I'll ever need! *o*o*o*o*o*o*"

aand he fell asleep. By the way, he needs to wake up early tomorrow morning because he has to go to work :( Like, really early, in 4 hours time, actually.

<<fast forward 4 hours later, insert owl sound here *hoot hoot*>>

The sun BLASTED into our hero's eyes >_< "WHAT the hell I can't even sleep properly =A=" he complained. He shut the curtains and looked at the clock.

"*grumble* 6:58...? I can afford to sleep for 2 more minutes.. ~w~" and so he blinked.

(Editor's note: Now for those of you that don't know, when people blink, their eyes close for about one fifth of a second and reopen almost instantly)

When he opened his eyes and adjusted them to look at the clock again, it was 8:34!! "SH*T!" He exclaimed, "!@#$#%#$!" (sorry no subtitles) and he rushed to work.

While he was on the train on the way to work, he was exhausted and sweating due to all the rushing and running around. "Bruwh *wipes sweat* I only blinked.. why did time pass by so fast? Did I sleep?" he sighed to catch his breath, "but.. I'm still so exhausted.."

And the camera zoomed to his face, and to his left eye, and realization materialized within that brown iris of his!


...he exclaimed. In the train. Everyone was looking at him. Morning train, packed and all. Awkward. "Never mind v_v" he told himself, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep to avoid the judgmental stares...

All of the sudden, he heard the monotonous train woman saying Next. Station :) <insert last station's name here> Station ^o^


y-you're my character~ you time traveled, man! ..Isn't that what you w-wished for? ^o^; Don't get m-ma-- eh wait why am I having this conversation with my blog =A=

"G*ddamnit, I time traveled again +_+ This is getting out of control," our hero grumbled non-stop, heading back the way he came from. This time he tried his best not to accidentally time travel, so he tried his best not to blink.

"O_O okay.. so I can time travel.. that's pretty cool. Apparently I can only travel to the future this way.. but I guess it can be useful," he added with a smirk. It looked a little strange, smirking with wide open eyes. 

"Gotta learn how to control it though," and disregarding any and all copyright laws, "with great power, comes great resp-"

Next. Station :) <insert workplace station's name here> Station ^o^

He was relieved that he was finally going to reach his destination. Although a full three hours late. "Better late than never, right? Phew v_v" he sighed a sigh of relief.

"Wait O_O" his eyes swung open.



Station :)


<insert home station's name here> Stat-

"AAAAA *screams and camera pans out to the train, out to the city, out to the country, out to the world, out to the galaxy~ XD* AAAAAAAAAUGH!! D:"

-ion.. o_o;;


And so ends the story of how our hero discovered his wonderful suberpower of time traveling~ to the future. Only. Use it wisely k ^_~

..oh. What about his job? He took M.C. that day ^o^;

1 comment:

  1. wa I really hope this isn't going to like curse me and make me wake up late for work tomorrow lor
