Monday, March 28, 2011

The three brothers

For those of you who were looking for what happened to the three bears in the previous post, look no further...

Today's story, on the other hand, is a lot more... philosophical? I dunno, its certainly a lot more 'serious' sounding :3 Without further ado;

The Three Brothers

A long time ago, there were three brothers.

They all grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools. They were really bright kids and had really good ideas and intentions to make the world a better place.

Because they originated from the same school of thought, it would've been totally awesome if they worked together towards their common goal, and in hindsight it seems only logical to do so. But you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20 while foresight is blind.

So eventually, due to certain small differences in their methods, the brothers eventually converged towards their own seperate paths.

The eldest brother was the kindest of them all, but he was not very enterprising. He had, however, noble intentions and had a very sound basic framework on how to carry out said noble intentions, a trait actually shared by all three brothers.

The problem (though it could be argued that it might be a blessing in this case) with the eldest brother, lets call him J, is that he did not have big ambitions and was a lot more passive compared to his brothers. This would play a big part in their future where J gets pushed around and bullied by not just his friends but even his brothers as well

Many still followed J and his laid-back ways towards making the world a better place, some of them proving to be the most loyal followers that stuck with him through the hardest of times.

The second brother, on the other hand, was very enterprising and had the gift of communicating to people and coaxing them into subscribing to his methods. In other words, he was the perfect PR guy of his time. Lets call him C. C was very influential and spread his ideals far and wide. He is by far the most successful of the three but also the most tainted with.. unethical methods.

You see, even though they all meant well and had the main goal to make the world a better place, C had a lot less ethics compared to his brothers and would go to any lengths to persuade others to his ways. To continue with the analogies, C would've been an unbelievable successful businessman if he were alive today, as he packaged and sold his idea very well.

The youngest brother, which we would refer to as M, was ironically stuck between his two elder brothers in terms of his abilities. He had a lot of the same qualities of C, but did not possess his elder brother's ability to persuade others.

M was, however, unbelievably daring and had a lot of self confidence in himself. His methods were lined out perfectly as a perfect guideline that if followed, would eventually result in the ideal world. Like his brothers before him, many subscribed to his ideals, which were wonderfully easy as they seemed only instructions to be followed and requires almost zero effort in decision making.

Due to the perscriptive nature of M's methods, he was also very pushy and seemingly narrow minded, alienating whomever and whatever that stood in his way and even exorts to extreme acts sometimes, which were justified by the fact that following his plan would eventually make everything better, even if it meant sacrifices had to be made.

It wasn't long before C and M's ideals would clash and resulted in unresolved bad blood between the two brothers. The two faught over everything and eventually took it out on their eldest brother as well, who put up very little resistance anyway.

It is unbelievably ironic when one looks at the big picture of the events that happen and realize that at their core, all three brothers have the exact same intentions and subscribe to the same basic ideas, but could not work together at all due to seemingly petty differences.

Sometimes, it is those small, insignificant differences that creates the biggest conflicts.

This is why seemingly simple ideas like 'world peace' are horrendously difficult to achieve, I guess ^o^;

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