Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Freedom fighters fight AGAINST the prospect of freedom! ;o;

I have been labeled as a freedom fighter of sorts. Though I don't really like the connotations associated with it (because I can't live up to the cool imagery of a freedom fighter sob sob), I do think that 'freedom fighter' suits me pretty well.

The main reason I'm called a freedom fighter is because I seem to be (from the tone of most of my blogposts) fighting for the freedom of thought, of speech, of everything. Long story short, I always, always preach and advocate to you to do whatever the hell you want ^o^

While this is true, I'm actually very torn about the issue. The more I think about it, I'm kinda against the fact that we should do whatever we want. I don't know how to start explaining though. I have not the time or actually bothered to lay out my whole philosophy and epistemology right here on this blog, most of what you've seen are just bits and pieces, tips of many icebergs ;D

If I were to map out each and every one of my thoughts on, er, everything, it would make the most tl;dr blogspot I've ever made look like a tweet -3- In fact, I think it would take so much time that if I were in a cyber cafe I'd be declared immediately bankrupt after I'm done with it.

What's more, I'm afraid that by doing so I might actually end up writing something akin to a holy scripture and become revered by a newfound religion based on my.. bullshit *_* I've always fancied the idea of creating my own religion, but nah, I don't want the responsibility attached with being a god.. I've got no time to worry about other people +_+

Oh well, at least now I know that if I do, I'll die soon after because I couldn't pay for the internet and be martyred off shortly after. Did you know that its an accepted fact that someone has to die before any of their work can be truly appreciated? Something about not being able to declare any of your masterpieces your 'best work' because as long as you're alive, you still have the potential to top whatever you've done.

...aiya. See, derailed again XD;

Coming back to advocating freedom. According to what's been mapped out in my mind, the ideal world would be one that doesn't require any sort of rules, regulations, governments, not even money! Everybody does whatever they want, whenever they want :D

But there's a catch. There always is a catch, isn't there? :\

In an ideal world where everyone is free to do whatever they choose to do, everybody has to be fully responsible for themselves. Everybody has to think for themselves and fend for themselves. When everybody  is too busy doing whatever they want, nobody's got any time to help you.

Of course if you have great critical thinking skills (or are just an ass in general) you would think of the possibility that there'll be people who live to help other people. I'm definitely not one of those people (I also have a very twisted theory on that, but that's a story for another day) so lets assume they won't exist ok T_T

After all, the first few good samaritans would exist out of sheer probability, but sooner or later they will be swamped by useless people who will gladly latch onto the help they give and according to Mr Darwin, C., these outliers will sooner or later become extinct. Weeded out through nature's equilibrium sustaining mechanism - survival of the fittest.

So in order to live in this less than ideal world, one has to be totally responsible for each and every action. You've got all the freedom you want, sure, but with great power comes great responsibility T_T It sure sounds like a great environment to nurture self-sufficient people... But how are any of us, a generation of humans who grew up being told exactly what to do and not to do, going to survive in such an environment?

Its not like its impossible, no, of course not. People adapt. The strongest will survive. Its an ideal world, after all, so of course there wouldn't be any faults in it. The problem lies with me. I put myself in such an environment and I think "oh my god so damn leceh la.. I have to think and work hard all the time?! I have to decide everything all the time?" I can't even decide what to eat for dinner!

Too. Much. Decisions. T_T

I haven't even touched on how such a society would function. Well, there wouldn't even be a society. It'll be chaos. Think of a t-junction without a traffic light. You don't even need to have a lot of imagination (especially if you live in a bustling city full of humans) - ever saw a traffic light break down? Total anarchy on the road.

Only drivers with balls get to go, narrowly missing accidents, while the weak and meek wait patiently until a kind old guy lets them go.. but until then, they get honked to oblivion by the impatient people behind them..  some succumb to pressure and dash out, only to meet an aggressive driver who scares them into stopping - in the middle of the road. I should watch traffic more often, perfect showcase of basic human behavior ^o^

So yeah, even though I find a lot of my philosophies and ideas for an ideal human society (or rather, lack thereof) pretty legit, I seriously doubt I can practice what I preach perfectly :P I always lambaste the ideals of every religion as bullshit, outdated and flawed in so many ways. Then I should be careful of not calling the kettle black and stop myself from crossing the thin line between posting crap on my blog and starting my own religion (which would be ahead of its time).

Outdated... ahead of their time... its like the great minds of society (talking about other people, not me T_T) never seem to be thinking the correct things at the correct time. Oh well, you know what they say, great minds think alike :D

Just like the term 'freedom fighter', I might sound like I'm fighting for freedom, but when you analyze it logically, I could also be fighting against freedom, just like how a crime fighter (BATMAN ^O^) fights crime.. I dunno.

If you ask me, I'm still confused at what I actually think :S The answer to the meaning of life isn't that easy to figure out, I guess. I actually thought I had it figured out, but I've always failed to put it into words.. its either my writing skills still suck (true) or if I actually post up the (proper) meaning of life for everyone to read, it'll cause a tear in the space-time continuum and spontaneously bluescreen everyone in the world and bad command or filename... 

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Formatting... 99%

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