Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why mixed-race people are the most attractive

Did you know that there are so many things on the internet referring to mixed-race people being the most attractive? I didn't know it until I searched google before making this post (because I was looking for the proper term.. 'mixed people' didn't sound very right -_-)

<<I really wanted to put up a nice picture of a mixed-race person here, but I couldn't find a nice one on the internet =o=>>

Here's why mixed-race people are often considered the most attractive in a sentence;

Mixed-race people are the perfect blend of familiar and new.

Here's why mixed-race people are often considered the most attractive in a few paragraphs;

Before we understand why mixed-raced people are attractive, we have to first understand the concepts of the familiar and the new.

Familiarity is a very important factor when considering something's attractiveness. There is a certain degree of familiarity that is required in order for the viewer to be able to relate to it. A face without two eyes, one nose, and one mouth would be harder to consider attractive compared to one that looks more like what we all have.

Being able to relate to something allows us to feel safer to a certain degree. It also allows us to form attachments and relationships with something familiar, since there would be a lot of common ground to build upon :D

But of course, familiarity breeds contempt. People get bored of things eventually.. that's why we always need something new once in awhile to spice things up ^o^

(I use the term 'new' because.. 'unfamiliar' didn't sound quite right, and I couldn't really find the proper term for it. But yeah, I think most of you would know what I'm talking about ^_^)

While it is considerably more difficult for one to establish a connection with something new rather than something familiar, at the same time, there is a higher level of desire to connect with something new rather than something familiar~ We're all curious :D And this curiosity generates constant interest ^^

However, there can only be a certain level of newness before it overloads and becomes 'weird'. A good example of this are aliens, which are so different and new to us that they come across as strange and we get uncomfortable with them >o<

So coming back to mixed-race people, they are familiar in that they are the same race as us, but at the same time, they also have the charms of a different race ^o^ and it is this perfect blend of the familiar and the new that makes them stand out~

The flaw of this theory is, what happens when the mixed-race person doesn't belong to one of the viewer's race, but still comes across as more attractive?

I haven't really given much thought into that, but I have an idea that it is because mixed-race people tend to inherit the best traits from their separate races, according to the logic of natural selection. Hey, that actually does make a lot of sense *_*; more than my familliar/new theory LOL

That's about it ^o^ I have an idea about writing short stories or something that would require people to post two or three words and I'll write a story from the google images I find using those words~ Sounds interesting, but would require suggestions.. :P Feel free to post random crap below ^o^


  1. boys love


  2. lol *headdesk* -o- er.. BL stuff should be reserved for LJ LOL XP

    hehe thanks for the suggestion =o= i'll see what I can do *will NOT look for both words together*
