Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do people want to add you on facebook?

Hi kids ^o^ today we're going to talk about the reasons why a person might want to add you on facebook.

First of all, lets get the obvious out of the way. If you, by any chance, are good looking and/or have a nice , photogenic display picture up, you will naturally get lots of friend requests :D Even more so when your profile is private, people want to see more of that pretty face and the only way is to be your friend!

This of course, is not in any way a shocking revelation. In fact, many people have actually used this tactic in order to up their friend-count exponentially! :O Amazing.

So, first reason, people want to see more of you ^o^
another interesting thing that can be observed from this is the fact that people actually aim to get more friends, even though it's pretty ironic that aside from the initial adding of each other, many people on facebook hardly converse with each other at all :O why do people even do this? One main reason would be to get attention. Ah-ha, attention, that's a big one, it deserves a whole post to itself. This is a public service reminder for my next informative post *_*
The I'm-so-pretty-please-add-me passive aggressive strategy is but one of the many ways to increase one's friend count.  There is another way more easier and direct strategy, just request to be friends with as many people as you can get your hands on! Even if only half of them accept, (which is highly unlikely thanks to the general consensus that it is rude to not accept a friend request) that's still half of a lot of people! ..which is still, quite a lot!

Thus the prevalance of these strategies reveals to us the second reason, people need you to contribute to their ever-growing friends count! :O
you might be asking, why? Yes! Why?! @O@ my thoughts exactly. I have no idea what is so gratifying about letting people know you have a million people that have you on their list and vice versa. What's the point when you don't even converse with each other? Some people have so many friends they don't even know half of them if they saw them on the street. Yet another public service reminder for another informative post :D
Now we get to the more boring part, which is the obvious, common-sensical reasons why people would want to add you on facebook. Sometimes, people just want to get to know more friends ^o^ Duh. No harm in that, right? Expanding your social network is always a good thing :) You never know when someone might prove to be.. useful >:D ehehehe oops I did not say that :x tee hee.

Sometimes, there would be one or two people like me, whom have lost all their friends but fortunately unlike me, get lonely ;_; so they go out and look for more new friends ^o^ it might take them a few tries, but in the sea of people that is facebook, they'll find some eventually~

One more reason why people would want to add you on facebook would not be related to you at all! What? Howcome?

Simple, they want to get to know people that you know! :D You'd be just a stepping stone to their ultimate goal which is.. someone on your facebook list. And the most ironic thing would be after a few introductory conversations and they bring up their target to you, you don't even know that person and just added them for fun.

LOL right? But unlike the comedy scene where the person with ulterior motive gets pwned and sulks away, our hero here can still benefit from your friendship! How? Fun fact: people are more likely to accept strangers that are already friends with their friends. I know I would, though my personal method for accepting people on facebook goes through several gateways of decision making :3

It sounds like I've put a lot of thought into all this, but really, it's all pretty natural. In fact, I'm beginning to feel (after rereading what I've typed so far) that this is a very 'duh i knew that -o-' post because honestly, people have been doing these things way before facebook was invented.

Conversations about these kinds of interactions (like my blogpost) happen way more frequently now than in the past because people are infinitely more busy body now everything is happen so much quickly and on such a large scale thanks to the internet *_*

Which is what makes it very interesting. Human interaction on the internet is very much like normal, stereotypical human interaction in real life. You know, all those social norms practiced and well understood in society for ages and ages.. but there are some very big differences.

First, as I've stated above, everything is happening at such a frightening speed and scale, and that changes a lot of things.

Second, even though you can see people's faces and interact with them as though they're standing right in front of you (thanks to video chats etc), there's still a significant barrier, some distance that did not exist before the age of the internet.

When I say barrier, though, it doesn't neccesarily make people more distant and cold. In fact, the distance barrier of internet interaction might even bring people closer than ever *o*

...When I go this much out of tangent, I know I've reached the end of a blogpost. Thanks for reading, I'll see you when I see you ^o^/

edit: oh shit I keep forgetting. I got a formspring account and it's pretty dead! ToT

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