Friday, November 5, 2010

Why am I so lazy? ;__;

I've become quite an impulsive person recently.

Well, not that I wasn't impulsive to begin with, but at least in the past, I had a lot more sense of responsibility compared to now (and even then, I had very little compared to the average student scoring what I usually scored. Not that I scored very highly back then, but really, I was what people would call dangerously carefre- wait, is my aside longer than my paragraph? Like, seriously? What the).

Maybe impulsive isn't really the correct word to use, I think I'm more likely to be labeled as someone 'horribly indulgent towards himself' =o= If I don't feel like doing assignments, I don't give a damn about the deadline, who cares! I'll just procrastinate through the deadline.. It wont result in me dead.. ..right?

If I feel like doing something really crazy like staying overnight somewhere just because I have no transport to go home and I'm too lazy to rush home, I'd do it. And my reasoning would be solely because hey, it'd be an experience, wouldn't it? :D

One of the epic book titles I'm saving sounds something like "Experience the Experience of Experiencing Experiences", which sounds really cool and makes a lot of sense ^o^

If I'm craving for some kinda food, say McDonalds, but I don't have the luxury to spend so much money for it, I still go ahead and spend it and eat my fill. My logic (at the time) would be that I have this theory that your gut feeling is actually a very reliable indicator of what you need (to stay healthy and happy). Belief in this theory lasts approximately 8 hours until the next time I'm hungry and realize I need to stinge for my next meal, which doesn't make me feel very healthy and happy D:

So yeah, all this indulgence on myself has really spoilt me into this demanding brat that doesn't like to do things that feels troublesome or uninteresting... which makes me seriously concerned about my near future, where I'm daydreaming of getting a higher paying job :( Not to mention the more pressing issue of actually passing this semester... XD;

Wow, who would've thought I'd have all this concerns that only parents have for their children.. and for myself, even. Guess this is what happens when someone lives on their own and is totally responsible for their own wellbeing... it feels rather.. complicating :S I think I'm going to lie down for awhile *brb* +_+


  1. Omg.. You remind me dangerously of someone very close to me... And the first part of it actually hits home... @@ Er...

  2. Is this a good thing... or a bad thing... @@;;;
