Monday, November 1, 2010

It has begun... but I have not

Nanowrimo has begun *O*

I still have no idea what I want to write :3 Today's post will be to help me warm up *_* So I'm gonna rant a crapload of stuff :9

First of all, I feel like destroying the chatbox on my blog =w= It's making the reply function to my posts obselete.. *shrugs* I dunno, there's something unsettling about having a chatbox at the side of my blog... *stares at it* >_> Its making puppy dog eyes at me.. d'aww~

Second of all, I can't help noticing how much people dislike gay and lesbian stuffs. They don't hate it, they aren't against the idea, but they're uncomfortable talking about it or even associating anything with it.

From my observation, most of the world is still prejudiced about same sex relationships, even though the general consensus is to support them and let them have their freedom/rights. Its just that nobody's showing it up front, but it shows in the things they say/choose not to say.. to me at least :O

Same goes for feminist movements, all those talks about equal rights between men and women.. From what I see, that will be impossible as long as people keep thinking the way they do now. I have always advocated equal treatment between all sexes and all races, but my ways have been rather.. extreme.

You see, I'd like to think that the way I think is very unconventional (yes, I'm very perasan, thank you >;O) and I go against a lot of cultural norms. I'm even considered very rude by a lot of people. This is my problem with the world; there are too many cultural norms in effect that are pre-programming a lot of people act in a way that goes against their beliefs of 'equal rights'.

What most people don't know is that these cultural norms, or traditions, or rules, are created by humans, and so, in my opinion, should not be hard-fast rules that should be obeyed or you will die. They were created for a reason, yes, but the periods where most of our traditions and beliefs were created are, sorry to say, outdated, and if you're someone who thinks that change should happen, and if you especially want to fight for 'equality', then these outdated rules should be discarded immediately.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone or sound like I have a better understanding than anyone regarding anything, in fact, I think I'm pretty shallow ^o^ Most of what I say is straight from my mind, built from my experiences and what little I know about this world. Heck, I don't even bother to research on topics before I voice my opinions on my blog! XD

...I just get really dissapointed at the thought of people that are so called fighting for a cause but are actually doing nothing to help the cause, whats worse, some of them don't even know it, they're just hopping on the bandwagon.

I also really pity the people that are forced to conform to the norm of what is the 'right' thing to do out of fear of being labeled a racist or a sexist, even though they know, deep down, that they are racist. Don't worry, as long as you identify yourself with a race, you are a racist, no matter how much you deny it ;D and I'm not going to judge you, because I'm racist too ^o^b

Allright~ time to go play starcraft 2~! 8D


  1. Bravo :D:D:D:D I like this post. Because of paragraphs 7 and 8! :D

  2. thank you thank you!! ;w; *touched*
