Monday, February 28, 2011

Thoughts on premarital sex

(Or sex in general.. with a little section on virginity)

Being from an Asian community, sex is and has always been somewhat of a taboo issue around me. So its pretty easy to assume that premarital sex is regarded as something extremely wrong to do for the community I am in.

However, I am totally indifferent about the issue. I actually wanted to say that I am totally supportive of premarital sex, but I don't want to sound like I'm recommending it to every single couple out there.. its more like I don't think its a wrong thing to do, and it is especially, definitely not something sinful and humiliating.

One of the main things people have against premarital sex is due to all the risks and accidents relating to it. Ask anyone against premarital sex why and they'll point you to all the rising instances of baby dumping and sexually transmitted diseases. The thing is, all these negative things occur not because premarital sex is negative but because the people doing it are not well prepared, uninformed, or just reckless and irresponsible to begin with. Don't blame the sin, blame the sinner.

Speaking of sin, there is a lot of religious stigma against premarital sex. The main argument is that premarital sex is basically giving into the temptations of the flesh, suggesting couples to wait until marriage before going that far. Sex for 'recreational' purposes (for lack of a better term.. I don't like using casual sex because of all the baggage associated with it. Married couples have sex for recreational purposes too) is considered as sinful, as sex has the only purpose as the means to conceive a child and continue the bloodline~

I think this is a load of bullshit. The desire to have sex is one of the most natural things to feel for humans - it's hardwired into our brains, into our very being. Its an evolutionary necessity. Only the human mind, in all it's creativity, has come up with the idea of suppressing these natural instincts. Why? For moral reasons? In order to ensure a functional and orderly society? No. It is to claim ownership.

One might argue that patience is a virtue, and going fucking around isn't a civil thing to do. That's because these rules that have been placed in human societies have become universal rules, common sense, moral values, logic. I'm not saying that they are wrong, as I have often pointed out in my blogposts, as long as the mass majority of humans agree on a certain truth, it becomes the truth. At least until someone disputes it and persuades the mass majority. Everyone used to think the world was flat, until someone proved otherwise.

What I'm saying  is that these rules, these facts and absolute truths are not set in stone. They are created by humans for the betterment of human society, long long ago, and though they are effective working models of an orderly society, I think that most of these ideals are outdated. I'm not saying we should all throw caution to the wind and go sleeping around with whomever we wish.

I'm saying that nobody should worry about what other people think or be pressured by the rules of their societies and just do whatever they want, as long as both parties are fine with it and whatever they do does not effect other people.

Another thing I'd like to add is my thoughts on the concept of virginity. Most of you would be able to predict by now that my stance on the concept of virginity is that it is a "load of bullshit" XD Yes, exactly like what I mentioned earlier, virginity is also a concept created by humans long long ago. Let me tell you my warped theory on the conception of 'virginity'.

Long long ago, when human society was still very very male dominant, women were treated as possessions. The concept of virginity was introduced by men as a standard to measure their potential wives. The criterion for a virgin was that she must be young, fresh, and 'untouched' by any man. Sounds a lot like the criteria for picking fresh fruits in a marketplace. All men wanted virgins, and those who weren't virgins are cast aside as unwanted women with no future. This was possible because the men had all the power in most societies, so in order to survive, the women were forced to adapt to the standards set by men because a lone woman could not survive (comfortably) in such societies.

And so, this concept of virginity quickly catapulted in importance because it was a reliable and applicable standard throughout almost entire human civilizations. Mothers groomed daughters in order to meet this standards so that they would live good lives. Mothers. Women enforcing men's rules on their fellow women while men sit back and enjoy fruits of their labor. It sounds almost ridiculous when I put it that way, but that is what has been happening for centuries and has only begun to change during these recent centuries. A lot of feminists demonize men, but what they do not realize is that it is not just the patriarchal men, but the patriarchal way of thinking that is the enemy, and that includes women who think that way as well.

The concept of virginity also ensured the 'ownership' of a woman, as another man would be less likely to find another man's wife to be appealing because she isn't a virgin anymore. Of course this didn't really work, but its important to point out this idea of  'ownership' as another reason that solidifies this theory :P

Long story short, virginity is an extremely sexist concept to me which is horribly outdated. I cringe every time I hear people putting even a shred of consideration on virginity or preserving their 'sexual purity' v_v But hey, this is just my warped opinion. Don't feel pressured to change the way you think :P I'm not out to shake the foundations of human society, no matter how ridiculous and outdated it might seem to me. I'm just not going to sit still and adhere by it. Everyone has the freedom to chose whatever it is they want to do, so like Nike says, Just Do It~ tm ^o^b


  1. i super super like super super love. <3 i wanna promote on fb.... T.T but promoting it means i'll be hyper. when i'm hyper i can't study. >.< also if more guys think like you, the world would be a much better place. and i wont need to conjure images of strangling them in my head.

  2. lol you're too kind ;__; thanks a lot for your support! ^O^b

  3. nicely said :3
    and rofl at your last sentence XD

  4. Again this thing...? And on the day that you just met me? Sounds fishy... :P

  5. hahahaha... "crap! i forgot she reads my blog" was what you would been thinking right now aye?

  6. the hell.. it has nothing to do wif her =w= I had these thoughts for quite awhile d..

    thanks for the nice feedback guys ^o^
