Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ambitions, Ambitions, Ambitions

When I grow up, I want to be... ...bigger .o.

Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, some emo kid had his hand chopped off by his cyborg father. And then someone dubbed that epic event in hokkien and we laughed and laughed ^o^ other news v_v;

Today Yesterday, certain events happened in a way that forced made me to think of what I want to do with my life. I'm looking for a job now, while I still have to complete my Masters' thesis. Things are lining up so that I have this impression that I should really chose which path I want to follow, set my priorities and all that kinda shit.

But of course, what I should do is just get my Masters done and over with and worry about everything else later v_v after all, even if I do decide on a career path, who's to say that I won't change my mind in the near future, or circumstances will open (or close) certain paths? like me suddenly becoming super good at starcraft or magic and becoming a PRO GAMER WOO HOO *o*

..dreams are good, you know. They set goals and motivate us to do things in life. That's why I admire people with ambitions, no matter what their ambitions are. The act of having an ambition or passion towards something is more important than the validity of the ambition itself ^_~ the journey is much more important and meaningful than the destination~

So because I have no idea how to end this post and I wanted to, here's a list of my previous-to-current ambitions (that I can remember and/or are not too ashamed to admit) ^o^

because I thought they made a ton of money and lived easy lives..

..until I realized that doctors had to face sick people every day and that wasn't very fun :( then I was deeply interested in innovation and creating things *o*

Pokemon Master
I wanna be the very best, no one every was~ ^o^ lol XD; the idea of leaving your house (and parents) for an exciting adventure while obtaining comrades and getting stronger by making your comrades stronger instead of training yourself should be every stuck-at-home-and-too-lazy-to-exercise kid's dream *_*b

The Best Husband In The World
because all I wanted to do was get married and live happily with a cute, pretty, beautiful, awesome girl~ <3 (I was around 17~19 :3)

Translator / Interpreter
In order to justify my extremely arbitrary choice of doing a degree course called English Language, I thought that doing translating, especially for important people around the world, would be pretty awesome since I'm already fascinated with languages and would like to learn as many languages as possible~ ...until I realized I'm only fluent in one and a half languages -o-

Lecturer (and eventually) Professor
because I thought they made a ton of money and lived easy lives..

Author (Relationships, Fiction, Self-help, Entertainment, Philosophy, Strategy)
at this point I finally acknowledged my self-proclaimed ability to talk crap and realized that it would be pretty awesome if I can spread my ideas or at least record them down to leave my mark in the world or something. I also got one too many praises from friends that I have brilliant ideas *o* Thanks guys, though I don't know if it's doing more harm than good.. well, I made this blog XP

I don't know how this happened. I think I got struck by lightning or got visited by god or spent too much time petting cats or ate some expired food or something, but I figured that I could come up with the same crap as the greatest human minds of recorded history by just reading some Wikipedia entries and sprinkling them with a little common sense and add some hot water and whaddya know - Instant Philosophy! ^o^

Lecturer Whom Eventually Becomes a Professor and Publishes a Few Epic Works of Fiction and Philosophy
because I realized that deep down, I just wanna make a ton of money and live an easy life.. and spread my crap share my (crazy) ideas ^o^

Professional Gamer (a.k.a. That Guy That Gets Paid For Playing Games Lol)
this happened shortly after I discovered how much I love strategy games and playing Starcraft 2 and how similar it was to my favorite hobby Magic: The Gathering, especially since both offer possibilities of pro-gaming where I could essentially make a living off playing my favorite games ;___; so fuuuunnnnnn~

* * *

Whoa that took longer than I thought. Anyways, it's pretty much a toss up between the last two (for now), with the latter being the option I'm leaning towards ^_^ (lol yeah right >_>)


Honorable Mention:
Girl Group Manager (more specifically - SNSD'S Manager)
Imagine managing a group of irresistibly hawt, cute, and beautiful girls that rely on you to manage their lives and treat you as their pillar of support *O* kyaa~ *swoons*

...okay, dreaming too much, is not good :P Good night ^o^/


  1. Reading these ambitions of yours.. I *really* don't dare to imagine what kinds of sick ambitions you had until you're too ashamed to admit.. that can beat what you posted here v_v;;

  2. ^o^;; I don't remember if I even had any honestly.. but I guess if I did, it's best (for both of us) that I can't remember them +_+

  3. I wanna be the very best, no one every was~ ^o^ <--- Correction: ever. Kekeke, saja kacau :P

    Whoa... You just... sort of triggered my emo and long-gone dreams...

  4. ive once wanted to be a cashier coz they register the code bar of products so damn fast... i was amazed by their skills... until... they invented that POS scanning system... that system sux

  5. ebts > unfortunately a rich gay guy would most likely not want to marry you ;w; unless he's a rich bi guy :D

    yukina > thanks for the proofreading T^T sorry for triggering your emo :D

    khairul > LOL *patpat* kesian. I bet a lot of other people experienced similar disappointments v_v like kids who wanted to be postmen and then email was invented..
