Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Hopeless Romantic

The hopeless romantic is a young boy that grew up being enamored by love songs and ultra-sweet romantic scenes from movies and other sources of stories like comics, novels, etc. In other words, hopeless romantics grew up with the ambition of being an honorable boyfriend to a beautiful/sweet/cute girlfriend and while their friends focused on being number one in class, the best on the football team, or Pokemon Masters, they tried to mould themselves into the perfect boyfriend.

A few burnt pots and pans, the discovery of microwaveable foods and the washing machine, and an extreme makeover later, and you have an above-average-looking guy that is able to socialize with girls without the massive stuttering, blushing, or tendency to say unnecessarily inappropriate things that their other peers might suffer.

In other words, hopeless romantics are just average sociable guys that aren't female-repellent jerks.

The problem that plagues hopeless romantics and often gets them misunderstood is that they view most girls that they are (even mildly) attracted to as a potential girlfriend. While this might make them sound like jerks who are only out to get into your skirt and are not worth being friends with, lets not be judgmental.

To understand the workings of a hopeless romantic's mind is to first understand his motivations. And no, its not to get into your pants >:| Hopeless romantics are so obsessed with the desire to have a sweet and heartwarming relationship (as advertised on TV) that I can tell you that most of their focus towards the girls they are attracted to is to get together with them ..and ends there. The hurdle of getting into a relationship with a girl so difficult (provided he isn't blessed with astonishingly good looks) that what happens later is rarely considered - no reason to get his hopes up, right?

There is a very popular joke of a young boy that tries his best to impress the girls that he likes but fails all the time, until one day, he finally meets a girl that can accept him and becomes his girlfriend. His response to this was "Wow. SWEET *O* what? :D"

And that, is the sad part of most relationships regarding young hopeless romantics. They don't know what to do :( and as many a hopeless romantic would discover, reality almost never turns out like what is shown on TV or written in books. Most become disappointed when their dreams become crushed after encountering their first major argument in their relationship, while a small, dangerous few try to replicate fairytale romances and end up scaring their girlfriends because they either move too fast (everything in movies are accelerated twentyfold to keep the story from being too stagnant like a documentary) are too dramatic, or have too high expectations.

In time, (and with perhaps many a heartbreak) most hopeless romantics will grow out of the phase of chasing a fairytale romance, which is often not very practical in today's cruel world. Some will continue pursuing romance, though in a more mature and sophisticated way, and by sheer force of probability, will end up happily with a girl (or guy) ^o^ Some, will become bitter and distance themselves from anything lovey-dovey :( that is, until they find someone that manages to 'heal their wounds' and revitalize them *o*

But a select few hopeless romantics will stay the way they are and (again, by sheer force of probability) might actually meet a girl (or guy) that's also a hopeless romantic (yes, for god's sake, this archetype, like all other archetypes, applies to all genders v_v) - and the stuff that can only be see in movies will magically appear in real life *o* (whether it turns into a romance, drama, tragedy or romantic comedy, I leave it to you.. and them ;D)


  1. somehow your views on this type is surprisingly true hahaha... darn where do u get all this info? r u a stalker?

  2. bwahahaha thank you thank you ;w; no.. its just my brand of common sense *O* hebat or not? kekekeke XD *kena belasah*

  3. hebat hebat *nods nods* lol
