Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How manga benefits your life

Before I start, for those of you who don't know what 'manga' means, what are you doing reading my blog?! @O@ Welcome! *O* Who are you and pleased to meet you! *shakes your hands vigorously* ^O^ Sorry for all the emoticons and manga/anime exclusive expressions that have escaped you >o< It must've been hard, reading all these nonsensical nonsense... go educate yourself :|

With that out of the way, there are actually many ways in which manga can benefit one's life;

One is the most literal way, where the think-out-of-the-box and out-of-this-world scenarios I've learned from being exposed to manga allowed me to come up with otherwise unthinkable excuses to get out of life-threatening pinches!
While such skills are rarely needed in our relatively safe world nowadays, it never hurts to be prepared. After all, you never know when someone with a huge ass sword will come at you, right?

Which brings us to another great skill we can learn from manga~ It is a great source for learning martial arts of all sorts~! From swordfightingskating, hairstylingbasketball, to even trick shot pool! *o*

never get caught off guard ever again!

Okay, okay, for all the concerned parents out there, don't worry :) Manga isn't all about violence and competitiveness. It is also a great source to learn the rules of life and society ^o^ Unlike children-aimed comics or cartoons, the core audience of mangas varies from teenagers to even adults well into their forties! *o* and they tackle important issues that their target audience face in their everyday lives, asking even the most sensitive and philosophical questions... like religion *_*

Just like soap operas before them, such exposure to life's dilemmas and questions help the reader greatly in facing challenges in their own life, if only because of the simple fact that it is nothing new to them and the solution to all the problems they face has already been covered in chapter 193 last summer v_v

But such knowledge doesn't make a jaded person, no. Quite the contrary! Manga is famous for its excessively emotional characters and most agree that fans of anime and manga are quite animated indeed ^o^

Another thing that can be learned from reading manga is it teaches the reader to be more motivated to face their fears and tribulations >o<

Most main characters are subjected to the standard bildungsroman storyline where they face grueling challenge after challenge, eventually growing into a respectable character. What's important, though, is that none of them ever gave up *_*9 which makes them great role model material~

Manga also has its romantic side, where many of its already socially inept audience can benefit greatly from relationship advice and experience without getting emotionally hurt in the process! The most up-to-date (or effective) pick-up lines and ways to approach the opposite gender are showcased here and are useful tips for an embarrased, young teenager with nobody to turn to :3 (WARNING: May not work in real life situations)

There are plenty of great romantic mangas that showcase beautiful friendships and relationships between characters that many readers grow up wishing to have... and because they aren't the only ones being inspired by such mangas, many a relationship has grown from like-minded people who have both read about great relationships and want to emulate such things *o*

((the links for this whole section are noticably absent because I'm in the office and I don't wanna get fired TwT;))

...but of course, there are also many other kinds of relationships that are explored in the realm of mangas which are... best reserved for the most adventurous and are strictly not for the light hearted ^^;; (if you don't know what I'm talking about, its better that it is kept that way, trust me on this one +__+)

All in all, mangas are a great source of entertainment that can interestingly serve as a great medium for educating our generation of individualistic individuals who have seemingly forgotten (or are too embarrased) to seek lessons from other humans but instead refer to non-human sources.

If anything else, it helps avoid kids these days from being overly emo and start slitting their wrists and posting up pictures on their facebooks and livejournals crying to the tune of crawling~ in~ my skin~ ;_;

And so ends a short, short entry on the benefits of reading manga ^o^ If you haven't started reading one, give it a try~! And if you are a parent, stop asking your kid to study! er I mean, manga isn't a waste of time and you should read what your kid is reading as well~ You might learn something about them and more importantly, it gives you more stuff to talk about rather than "how was your day?" and "have you done your homework?" :)

[] All manga scanslated images belong to Bleach (c) Kubo Tite and blabla whatever whatever boring. The munkie emoticon comic was created by me back in the dark ages
[] Do click on all the links as the images of the mangas they corellate to really aids in the understanding of the context (if you are an avid anime/manga fan) or will help reccomend you to some of the mainstream mangas out there ^o^


  1. i dont really read manga but i watch anime... does that count?

    currently watching baccano... its quite cool!

  2. yeah it counts ^O^ I just chose manga because I prefer manga, but they're really quite the same :3

    waaa baccano *o* lend it to me when you're done :D

  3. will do... only umteen episodes... gimme ur thumb drive and ill copy pasta them for ya...

  4. And if you are a parent, stop asking your kid to study! er I mean, manga isn't a waste of time and you should read what your kid is reading as well~ You might learn something about them and more importantly, it gives you more stuff to talk about rather than "how was your day?" and "have you done your homework?" :) <-------told mom about this. and her response was: one day i'll comment! just you wait. *suspense* XDDDDDDD

  5. hahahaha... so shes preparing for an answer? id reckon its a bad respond having prep involved... its gonna be the classic mom "i told u so" kot XD

  6. lol... mati la like that :P But it would be totally awesome if a parent really came and commented on this blog *o* I'd be honoured.. even though they'll most likely be flaming me :P

  7. im gonna be that kind of parent... trying to understand my kids by doing those kinda things


    more like im gonna force them to watch anime and play magic =_="

  8. by the time your kids keluar.. you might have to learn how to play farmville or some facebook shit.. XP

    then I'll be abang kitsune that goes to corrupt them into playing magic and starcraft 2 and reading my blog *o* bwahahaha *kena tembak*

    btw I'm so terharu at the number of comments in this blogpost ;_____; *heart is touched* its a new record!

  9. a few unrelated posts shouldnt be counted tho LOL

  10. hahahaha khairul i think you just destroyed his... em happiness.

    kitsu: my mom can't post. :( she doesnt have any of the accounts listed here.

    i dont agree with you. i prefer my parents not reading the manga i read since90%ofthemarebl. just imagine the awkwardness! :p

  11. you should get your mom a google account! ^o^ all she needs is a gmail :3 everyone needs an email this day and age, man, or they'll be left out ;o;! Don't leave your mommy out!

    Just imagine the fun if your mom can fangirl over BL with you *O* Kinda awkward but kinda fun also hor @o@ Imagine like gillmore girls.. *kena pukul*
