Saturday, May 21, 2011

Canard: Predator saga

It all started with me wondering about whether Neptune was the name of that brand of cooking oil, which was wrong because the correct one is Knife :(

That swiftly led my to start wondering about how people from the olden days were able to name that planet Neptune, and model the god of the sea after it. It was pretty amazing to me because Neptune is a planet full of water or something, right? So did the olden people have some amazing telescope to see what Neptune was like? Don't think so.. so what is it?

It must be because some alien civilization came down to earth and told them about it!

But which civilization?

Thus spawned the predator theory, which I happily stole from the movie Alien VS Predator, and added my own little twist, as usual;
orang lama power sial
ni la theory predator
predator datang ajar humans pasal civilization
dia lepak kat egypt, mayan dan japan
ajar buat pyramid, pyramid petak, dan gundam
use3to5drops :
gundam jugak?
apasal mcm tak sama zaman ajaran diorang
kenapa diorang ajar egyption ngan mayan buat lego je oi?
racist ka omae
aish ko ni
power kot
mayan tu bangunan dia semua emas
el dorado katakan
use3to5drops :
tp tu mcm de gune resource tempatan je
kat situ takder batu kot
pyramid tu sebenarnya laser yang boleh tembak apa apa sahaja
use3to5drops :
emas lg murah dr batu
mayan empire banyak magic hebat
banyak traps
macam kat zendikar
semua pyramid kat giza tu sebenarnya ada diamond besar gila kat tip dia, diamond tu boleh harness matahari power n annihalate anything
dulu mesir tu lush rainforest kot
tapi sebab kuasa destructive pyramids...
all is dust (tm)
japan pulak, sebab dia conservative, asian kan, so dia simpan baik baik knowledge tu sampai skarang
tapi sebanarnya japan tu continent besar jugak la, cam africa
dulu laut paling besar bukan pacific
tapi sebab great gundam wars, continent tu terus hilang
tinggal air je...
alamak pandainya aku
^o^;; hehe
use3to5drops :
hahaha pandai2


Once upon a time, in a galaxy near near over here.. our galaxy, actually.. our planet, even :D""

..there was a race of hideously macho aliens who visited us for no apparent reason.. They were called predators, and were a horribly competitive race, though their intentions are often noble.

Legend has it that it was a dare amongst three predator overlords at a bar one night, to go to the most primitive planet in the sector and cultivate the most powerful war-like race in the galaxy.

The first of the overlords arrived in where we now know as Egypt. It was a lush area of forests and steppes around a massive Nile river that provided sustenance to the whole region. This predator faction specialized in harnessing cosmic power from the outer reaches of the galaxy, and they thought the humans there the skills to observe the stars and other celestial beings, what we humans now call the discipline of Astronomy.

The Egyptians were thought greatly in the skills of mathematics and calculations, giving them great precision in their attacking and planning skills. They grew arrogant with this newfound knowledge and ruled ruthlessly.

The Egyptians had access to one of the greatest and most destructive weapons - the pyramids. There were three of them, what we now call the great pyramids of Giza. The pyramids were actually much more complete and higher than their current height. Their bases used to touch each other, instead of how they're separated miles apart now. Just like how modern human historians have noticed, the pyramids were aligned perfectly with the constelation of Orion's belt, and on each of the peaks held massive diamonds.

These diamonds were actually awesome solar-powered mechanisms that harnessed the power of the sun and other stars, capable of turning Egypt's night into day by shining brightly. But the most absurd power of the diamonds is their ability to precisely vindicate anything within Egypt with a directed blast of solar energy. This awesome power cemented Egypt as the most feared force in the region and their reliance on the sun caused their entire religion and way of life to be centered around it.

The second of the overlords landed in the continent of America, where the race of humans called the Mayans existed. This was yet another lush rainforest with a great river Amazon running through it, providing its ruthless inhabitants sustenance and life. It seemed like the predators favoured forested areas greatly. Many have hypothesised that forests resemble their home planet or hunting grounds.

This faction specialized in harnessing planetary energy, relying more on whichever planet they were on for energy instead of borrowing it from outer space. They believed that a home planet's energy is untainted and is the perfect type of energy to be used. Taking energy from other planets will waste too much energy in the transfer and might not even suit the current planet's environment.

They were much more spiritual and instictuous compared to the other factions. They believed in shamanistic rituals and had rich traditions and hunting methods, relying mainly on their instincts and physical strength. They thought the humans the ability to obtain energy from the earth and be one with nature, creating a primal race that hunted and feasted on anything and everything.

Rather than building grand weapons like the other factions, the Mayans were thought the disciplines of resourcefulness and ruthlessness of the predators, resulting in a race where each and every member was a powerful warrior - the people themselves were the greatest weapon. They did not live in the trees like their ape-like ancestors, however. They erected massive ziggurats that served as both fortresses and temples to pay blood tribute to their overlords.

The Mayans also developed an attuned sense to nature and almost supernatural abilities which allowed them to devise complicated traps and hexes that will maim and disable any trespassers. Entering the domain of the Mayans was to endanger oneself from the moment one sets foot in their territory, most die before even managing to catch a glimpse of the great warriors. Gold was an abundant resource for the Mayans and was used liberally in the building for their structures and adorned by all. It was also one of the main reasons why other civilizations tried hard to infiltrate the Mayan empire, many of which were slaughtered mercilessly.


Holy shit. I did not expect to produce so much utter bullshit out of this o_o; I really gotta sleep but I still have so much to say ;_; I guess I'll be making this a two-parter and continue tomorrow or something :P

I'm even tempted to rewrite the whole thing and explain a lot more for each civilization one by one.. rereading what I typed, each civilization actually deserves its own blogpost.. or two. lol XD *yawns*

anyways, really gotta go now :3 Look forward to part 2! X3 Thanks for reading~


  1. should the Egyptians find a way to mobilize their pyramid, they would hav been able to conquer the world!!

    Egyptian 1: No body can stop us now we hav this super awesome beam!! Muahahahaha!!!
    Egyptian 2: Were not even hardly moving why the hell people would want to stop us...
    Egyptian 1: .....
    Egyptian 2: ...........
    Egyptian 1: No body can stop us now we hav this super awesome beam!! Muahahahaha!!!

  2. LOL XD we need to make an anime out of this.. good one *wipes tears*

    Mobile weapons will come in part 2 :P
