Friday, April 15, 2011

The Most Dangerous Guy to Introduce to Your Girlfriend

The most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend is actually, quite ironically, not dangerous at all towards the health of your relationship :3

There isn't a real physical characteristic that defines the most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend, but dangerously good looks that appeal to the general preference of your girlfriend might be a good place to start.

What really defines the most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend is his uncanny ability to socialize almost effortlessly with any and all girls. His conversations with them flows like honey down the throat and his very presence demands the attention of most, if not all, girls around him.

Most guys might know who I'm talking about, if you don't, you either are helplessly blur, socially awkward to begin with or are one yourself ^o^ Most guys hate him. Or you, if you're the latter. By the way if there are more than 2 options, should it be 'latterest' instead? Hmm

But yeah, the most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend, is not dangerous at all.

He's like a butterfly, but doesn't sting like a bee.

Did you know that butterflies are actually considered horribly terrifying to birds? The reason of the patterns on a butterflies wings are mainly to scare away predators into thinking that their entire wingspan is actually their FACE @O@ BOOM I'm so huge and intimidating~~ and the bird goes "HO SHIT HALP ToT" and flies away in fear~ ^o^

... *cough* ..yeaaah.. butterfly.., intimidating, very good looking, sucking nectar out of flowers..? Birds.. all guys have a bird, right..? Nice analogy, kitsu~ Ehe..hehehe.. ..heh..


WHOA where did that came from, right? ^_^; anyways,

seriously, butterflies are not dangerous at all :| Caterpillars are DISGUSTING though! >_< YUCK!

...that's why the most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend, is not dangerous at all ^_^ Take it easy, guys :D The end~

I seriously don't know which is scarier;
the intimidating wing patterns...


Ok, ok. Seriously. The reason why the most dangerous guy to introduce to your girlfriend (a.k.a. The Butterfly) is because, long story short, he's the type of guy that fits the criteria of 'best friend that's a guy and is gay' (except, of course, he isn't gay.. if he was he'd be The Most Dangerous Guy to Introduce to Your Boyfriend, right?) that butterfly clipart shivering?! It looks like a poor guy got tied up in neon wires with balls on his head and is attached with stained glass wings and forced to be some kind of sick.. monument. WTF IS THIS DOING AS A CLIPART?!?!?!?!!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN @O@;;;;

Fucking scary shit. Anyways. This guy might be labeled as the guy that's most dangerous to introduce to your girlfriend, but you're lucky to even have a girlfriend. This guy couldn't get one even if he tried his best!

What? That doesn't make sense?

Nothing in this world ever makes sense, really v_v ( I MEAN LOOK AT THAT CLIPART @___@) This guy might be a wizard when it comes to making girls laugh, but he can't for the life of him get himself a girlfriend. Every girl he confesses to turns him down, though more often than not, though very nicely.. with award winning lines like "Sorry.. but you're a really nice guy, your future girlfriend will be really happy to have you.." and "I'm sure you can get a good girlfriend in the future :)"

Thing is, The Butterfly checks everything on most girl's lists.... everything except 'boyfriend material', and checks the worst criteria to check ever - 'best friend material'. He can tell you the exact meaning of the phrase "so close, yet so far T_T" (emoticon sold separately)

Oh the irony, this guy makes every guy he knows insecure, and yet he gets friendzoned by each and every girl he's attracted to. Tragic is the word on this guy's car registration plate, and he's stuck driving it for the rest of his life :\

He's a great guy, really. And he's helped many a girl get through shit and many a tough times. Heck, he might even be a maid of honor at his best friend's wedding~ But there isn't any Happy Ending in store for him down the road.. at least until he decides to stop driving, and start getting on a train *_*

Not my train (of thought), though, because it just fucking derailed and I've forgotten what I was trying to say about The Butterfly. Sorry about that. I blame the clipart @____@ *still in chronic shock* I'm going to go lie down, brb


  1. seriously, after 3 hours, that butterfly is STILL freaking me out LOL XD

  2. 3 things i like about the butterfly

    1) the eyelashes and blank starry eyes
    2) no legs
    3) the shivering

  3. lol go and cosplay it la :D maybe it should be our team logo ^o^
