Thursday, July 14, 2011

Who reads this blog, anyway?

So I have this friend who stumbled upon my blog, seeing all the extremely long winded posts but zero comments...

I was asked the question; Who reads this blog, anyway?

I have two answers;

One, I read this blog *o* Thinking back, blogging was one of the ways that I put down my brilliant ideas for stories, jokes, or concepts down into written form so that I wouldn't forget them :3 Its also a really thereaputic way of organizing my thoughts and cheering myself up to a certain extent, especially when I'm the kind of person that keeps problems to myself and really only seek consolation and advice from people when I'm about to crack down and commit suicide or something ;_; Other times, I talk to myself ^o^

Two, the bots read this blog! *O* I mean yeah, sure, sometimes there are one or two humans who drop by (thank you :3) but the ones that I know that consistently frequent my blog are my loyal bot friends *o* and they're hillarious, too :) Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the chatbox <-- they're really funny ^o^ and stupid too HAHAHA XD

So yeah, I don't do this for no reason, okay~ Blogging isn't a waste of time, and its a great thing ;O Thanks for reading, though~ please come back again ^o^/


  1. aww so kesian... ill visit even im in kerteh... actually i might visit more when im in kerteh considering i hav more time there @_@

  2. good good :D you should start your own blog also~ or vlog~ awesome awesome ^o^ once you go there we become online friends already~ hahaha~
