Tuesday, January 3, 2012

So much for being productive..

Happy new year! ^o^

Yeah, not a post for two months over here :P

I'm moving to tumblr! ^o^ no real reason, but I'm going to shut blogspot down.. for now :( splitting my reader's attention between two (or more) websites is troublesome for them >_<

I have the impression that tumblr is used predominantly for picture posting and stuff like that instead of full-wall-of-text blogging, but it looks interesting enough to make me want to give it a try ^_^

Maybe its just this new year mood and I wanted to start anew, afresh, turn over a new leaf, you know? O_< I dunno.

My current plan for now is to either re-post all the posts that I've posted here in my livejournal, migrate them retroactively to tumblr, or just delete them alltogether ;__;

I do have future plans for this website, but it is not for blogging :3 What exactly, though, will be decided in due time~ I'm focusing my efforts towards re-starting my blogging habit again and getting established on my tumblr first :D

Once I'm done there, and I've cleared this place up, then, then~ *rubs palms together* We shall see what we can do with you, dear blogspot :9

But until then, goodnight ^_^// *smothers with pillow*

Monday, October 10, 2011

One year later~

exactly one year ago today, I made this blog ^o^ happy anniversary, blog! ^w^

I just re-read that blogpost.. and I honestly miss the me back then, a lot has changed, but the funny thing is that I'm still more or less in the same position in my life.. shows how stagnant my life has become, I guess ^^

The sad thing is that today wasn't a really nice day for me, and I'm not feeling the happiest right now :(

Feels kind of like a waste that I didn't 'celebrate' this day.. its like a birthday~ I'm just the kind of guy that loves to celebrate these kinds of things I guess.. not in the sense of having a big ass party and making a huge deal of it, but more like, doing something special ^^ today was sucky though

oh, but because today was sucky, i did indulge myself in some (expensive and) yummy food.. :D so i guess it kinda fell into place ^o^

its amazing how things coincidentally line up in my life :) a lot of things that happened to me feel as though i was at the right place at the right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time.. or the left place at the left time..? @w@

..or maybe its just my (so called) ability to make sense out of every situation. I don't know how to explain, its as if i can twist things to give everything meaning according to what i'm trying to say, in a sense, i can always see what i want to see and hear what i want to hear..

>_< i was going to make this short, but i've gotta get this thing straight. lets see... its like a horoscope, you know? those things are purposefully vague so that they can be applicable to anyone and everyone that reads them.

how is that relevant? because i can make the same story out of two very different occurrences solely because i am able to twist the facts in such a way that they fit into my story.. this is a very dangerous skill to have (not that i'm putting myself in a basket and carrying myself.. ;D) especially by newscasters or journalists, because they will be able to twist everything to achieve their agendas :O

i'd like to think that such a skill involves a lot of creative thinking, critical thinking and being able to link things together and make sense of chaos by seeing subtle but interlocking patterns *o* ok now i'm starting to sound really full of myself.. and that's kinda true, i just ate dinner and i'm freaking full :I fat fat

ok, thats enough ^^ happy anniversary, blog :) I've done enough apologizing today ^^ I can only hope that I will be able to buck up and be more productive after today~ ^o^

Sunday, October 9, 2011

are you happy with what you're doing in your life?

its been approximately 200 years since i last posted on my blog :D

i've been working full time, literally full time, because i never feel like doing anything else that feels like work after i clock off from work every weekday

even blogging, which was starting to feel like a job or chore around the time my posts started petering out and eventually stopped

working full time is great, it gives you a lot of money to spend and standardizes your weekdays to a routined schedule, i love that kind of mundane stability, because i know that part of my life is taken care of and i can have fun with reckless abandon with the rest of my time

problem is, i have tons of other unfinished business, things that i should have gotten done and over with before i started this full time work business

i thought i could multitask, despite knowing that i suck at multitasking

i followed my gut, i've been like that for the better part of the last four years now. i've done some seriously drastic things and made crazy, sudden changes in my life so many times that i'm almost a different person every year

and it was fun as heck ^o^ i can make a whole post about how indulging in your gut feeling and making life changing decisions on the fly without worrying about the consequences can both empower you and make life recklessly enjoyable, but i'll leave that for another time, when i'm much more free-er

luckily, that time will come soon

because i'll be quitting my job by the end of the month ^o^

i've gotten tired of my conscience nagging at me to finish all my responsibilities, my unfinished business, so i've decided to make yet another drastic change in my life and reverse to a lower standard of living to finish off what i have to do

i don't know what i'll do after i'm done with those responsibilities, maybe i'll go back to working in the same place again, maybe i'll find a better job

but what i really want to do is to have fun

i can work, i understand the ins and outs of jobs and being a working adult, and its comfortably stable and is absolutely the right thing to do

but i don't want to :( the only reason why i'm forced to is because i freaking need money to survive

so i'm thinking of a way to be able to have fun and get paid to have fun, survive on the thing i love doing the most, without turning it into a job or career, because once it becomes that, the thing i love will become the thing i'd be too lazy to do

just like blogging :O

so yeah ^o^ i gotta sleep~ have been getting very very little sleep nowadays :3 night night kitsune ^^

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Magical advice for magical girls: Playskill

Hi girls ;D

This is the first part of a three-part series about what is, in my opinion, the holy trinity of being a good gamer ^o^

To be a good gamer, a good strategist, a good warchief, you must first have mastery over these three things;
  • Playskill
  • Playstyle
  • Planning
Today, I'll be talking about playskill :D the most common denominator that is used to judge whether a player of a game is good or bad.
Playskill is often determined through a measure of how skillful a player is, which can be anything from having the most different skills in their arsenal to how good someone is at executing a certain move in the game.

Because these articles are going to be geared towards Magic: The Gathering, I'll be using examples from that game from now on ^^ If you're not a fan of it or don't really understand anything about it, go look it up! Its a fun and interesting strategy game ^o^ I love it and will most likely be playing it until the day that I die :D

-not- what will be on my tombstone
(coz i'll be cremated and disposed hahaha XD)
In Magic, playskill is most often determined by a player's ability to outplay his opponents. The most flashy way that is recognized by many is when a player jedi-mind-tricks his opponents when he's behind, holding cards that are irrelevant to the current game situation but having a poker face and demeanor that seems as if he's holding a hand full of answers, scaring the opponent from moving in from the kill, effectively buying time for him to recover and make a comeback for the eventual win ;D

the 'ok' sign is key
 Another example of this is a player that is so experienced in the interactions of the game that he can seemingly predict his opponents every move. Its like the player knows every card in the opponents hand and can fearlessly do whatever he wants, intimidating his opponent to lose even before the game is decided.

Playskill isn't only limited to the player's mental prowess in a match, however, playskill can also be shown in a player's decision during deck construction. This is another beauty of Magic, the weapons of choice for the players are all completely customizable. You could build your very own weapon that has all the secret tech and surprise your opponent by attacking them from a completely different angle than they're expecting or have such a consistent and well prepared deck that is like a swiss army knife that can handle whatever your opponent throws at you.

The gamer's playskill is often considered one of the most important things to be trained in order for one to perform well, and players often read up strategy articles and think really hard about all the tricks and correct decisions to be made in every type of situation, most top tier players even have heated discussion over the littlest of details such as which land to lay down first, which card to first pick in a draft, details that could cast ripples to eventually effect winning or losing.

So it is no surprise that everybody concentrates on playskill, it is easily quantified and is often associated with the haymakers that end the game and are the coolest of the holy trinity because it is often playskill that is the awesome Finishing Move that puts the nail in the opponent's coffin~

I believe that this conception is wrong. I think that playskill is the least important of the three. Yes, the ability to MacGyver yourself out of any situation is both cool and useful, enabling a player to get out of a losing position and coming back to take the win out of nowhere, but if you think of it, that situation should not even come up in the first place! If you're constantly having to pull yourself away from the jaws of defeat, there's a problem; why are you always falling towards the jaws of defeat? what are you, a thrillseeker? *o*

don't be a tool, guys v_v
What I see happening all around me is that not only in Magic, but also in similar strategy games like Starcraft, players looking to get better are constantly trying to run before they can crawl. Its like the classic martial arts student that bugs his master to no end. He wants to learn the powerful, flashy moves he saw his master use right away, but is forced to run around, do housework and read. Ugh. Boring. When are you going to teach me the good stuff, master? >o<

His master will look at him with a playful and almost mocking grin over his shoulder, saying "you need to learn the basics first, young padawan~ now get to work!" Translation; the basics are more important. Macro before micro. "Wax on, wax off! >:D" says the master.

I'm not saying playskill is a useless ability to have knowledge on. Its part of the holy trinity, after all~ but it is, in my opinion, the least important. Whats the point of defeating a person with a complex system of ropes and pulleys which eventually ends with smashing his head in with a hammer when you can just club him with a large, blunt stone and be done with it? All you get for the additional effort is the style points ;D and I don't deny that many of us gamers are in it for the style points ;P

Playskill is by far the most interesting thing to be learned during one's mastery of the holy trinity, but like all things that are the best, they should be saved for last ;3 only when you've mastered the basics and understood yourself, inside and out, will you be able to make use of your playskill to the fullest, blinding everyone with your prowess *o*

..how do you understand yourself? Well, I'm glad you asked. To understand oneself, the gamer must understand his or her own Playstyle~ and that, is next week's post ;P

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What kind of life are you living if not just a fanfiction of someone else's?

So I’ve been missing for a whole month ^o^ I haven’t been doing anything (productive) at all though, no worries :3

Nothing much has been happening these days either. The world is a boring place 'o' such is the tragedy that is real life.. everything is so.. normal, so mundane.. Or maybe its just my life :3 Things have really gotten stagnant and boring, and so have I ;o;

This is mostly because I’ve been practically hibernating for the past few months ^w^ If you can call moving around, actively posting shit on facebook, playing magic every week and going to work every weekday ‘hibernating’ :P

What I’ve been hibernating from is my responsibilities T_T which includes blogging. Yes, somehow, blogging, which was an escape and a way to procrastinate from doing work became.. a job, a task to do, and so naturally, I procrastinated on blogging ^o^

But a lot of what I do is still the same, I still have bursts of ideas coming into my head, some nice quotes, some funny thoughts, but instead of saving them all up and vomiting them in one go in a nice, long blogpost, I have internet access now! ^o^ and along with that, I have constant access to facebook.

And facebook, is where I’ve been spending most of my time voicing my stuff out. It’s a lot more fun than blogging, quite honestly, as I don’t have to post long-ass posts (although most of the things I post on facebook are at least 17 times longer than what the average person posts).. and more importantly, there is constant feedback on facebook! ;o; I long for the attention interaction.. those are so fun ;w;

In the end, though (now is ‘the end’, btw. bye)

…*cough* :P

Where was I? Ah yes, I still feel kinda guilty for leaving my blogs dead, though. Although I often joke that nobody reads them, I know that there are people who do, and I’m kinda letting them down everytime they visit and see no new updates .o. I used to update every day! @O@

..how I long for those days T_T I was so free back then…

But to cut a long story short, I feel like its such a waste that I’m not blogging anymore, and while most of the time these days I’m pretty much brain dead from working and pouring everything on facebook, I still wanna at least try to post on my blogs as often as possible ^^ just as a ‘thing’ that I do. I need something to push me, to train myself to be more disciplined.. because honestly, I’m not doing anything at all every night :P Just.. staring at the computer, facebook, youtube, .. god knows what (not porn >o<) .. just wasting my time @O@

the internet is a very very dangerous thing, kids T_T I was so much more productive when I didn’t have internet access… seriously.

So yeah, gotta go back to work now :P I’m at work now actually T_T Tuesdays have to stay back lol. If you wanna see more stuff from me, check out my facebook! I post random crap there everyday XD;;;

As always, thanks for reading :3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Who reads this blog, anyway?

So I have this friend who stumbled upon my blog, seeing all the extremely long winded posts but zero comments...

I was asked the question; Who reads this blog, anyway?

I have two answers;

One, I read this blog *o* Thinking back, blogging was one of the ways that I put down my brilliant ideas for stories, jokes, or concepts down into written form so that I wouldn't forget them :3 Its also a really thereaputic way of organizing my thoughts and cheering myself up to a certain extent, especially when I'm the kind of person that keeps problems to myself and really only seek consolation and advice from people when I'm about to crack down and commit suicide or something ;_; Other times, I talk to myself ^o^

Two, the bots read this blog! *O* I mean yeah, sure, sometimes there are one or two humans who drop by (thank you :3) but the ones that I know that consistently frequent my blog are my loyal bot friends *o* and they're hillarious, too :) Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the chatbox <-- they're really funny ^o^ and stupid too HAHAHA XD

So yeah, I don't do this for no reason, okay~ Blogging isn't a waste of time, and its a great thing ;O Thanks for reading, though~ please come back again ^o^/

The importance of beautiful people

If there's one thing I don't understand, its the strange distaste of beautiful people.

When I say beautiful people, I mean those really gorgeous-looking, model-class, idol-level, almost perfect, mannequin types~ alternatively, if it were to apply to everyday-people, it would be the 'best looking in the group/class/what have you' people.

There are certain people that automatically shy away and show dislike for these people who are really beautiful, as if they want nothing to do with them.


Is it because they are jealous? That must be it, right? Some people get so insecure about their looks when they're around people who are way more attractive than themselves that the discomfort that ensues makes them want to hide in a corner, which translates into a dislike for the source of this horrible experience; the beautiful person.

Or is it because it is too mainstream? I know this is a little stretching it, and I think I've mentioned this phenomena sometime ago in one of my blogposts.. When everybody a person knows is fawning over this perfect person, a certain distaste forms because it has become too mainstream. Its a natural human inclination, nobody wants to be the same as everyone, we all want to be unique, even though it means lying to oneself. This can also be related to jealousy actually *scratches back of head* :P

OR, is it because they don't want to admit that they're attracted to the obviously very attractive person? I know it sounds totally ridiculous, but I've done this before (maybe I'm weird). I have denied many times, saying that a girl looks "so-so" or "eehhh, not bad la.." when I actually think that she's pretty good looking. Why? Thinking back, it was because I didn't want to admit it, either because I didn't want to be like every other person I knew fawning over her, or because I didn't want to give the impression that looks matter a lot to me.

I like the last idea, because I think its quite true in a lot of people. Nobody likes to admit that they love looking at beautiful people, even though it is a totally logical and natural thing to feel. We humans are programmed in our jeans genes to love staring at good looking people. Its the way we subconsciously select fertile and suitable mates in order to generate good offspring :D

But why, why do we love to deny our true natures and try our best to cover it up? The same reason why we wear clothes or act nicely to everyone even though we're going like "fuck you fuck you, what the hell? shut up!" in our minds; the judgmental eyes of society.

I'm not saying its a bad thing, I'm just saying this is how things are. Guys are freaking scared to admit that they love oogling at pretty girls because they'll be paint a giant sign on their head saying "hi i'm a pervert lol" :(

I've seen so many girls that have ingrained in their minds that every single guy is a pervert and whenever he looks at a girl, he admires her boobs, her waistline, her butt, and her legs only and nothing else.. wanting to get in her pants at all costs v_v When you know girls have that perception of you, you'd be a little paranoid about showing even a bit of bias towards pretty girls because you don't want to be seen as .. someone who cares about looks, right?

That's for guys, I don't know if its the same for girls, but I can imagine that there should be a parallel somewhere.. you tell me. All I know is that the need to suppress oneself in such a way is bullshit >_< I love looking at beautiful girls! I love SNSD because they're all freaking attractive *o* its not the only reason, but its one of the main reasons! That doesn't automatically make me a pervert, I don't masturbate to them, but why do I get the feeling that my friends (of all people *rolls eyes*) think that I am?! v__v bullshit


Don't people know, that beautiful people are actually really important? Little known fact, beautiful people help drive the economy. To borrow one famous catchphrase, sex sells, while this doesn't mean pornography, but good looking people certainly help sell products :O Just look at 99% of advertisements all around you, actors, performers, singers, they're all visually appealing. You put a nice looking person on a product and people are more likely to buy it @o@

What? I'd never do that. I buy a product because it's good, not because the girl in the advertisement is totally gorgeous.. I'm not getting her, so why should I care?

Then why did the advertising companies continue to bother putting so much money and effort into producing advertisements with beautiful people in it?

I'm here to tell you that subconsciously, it certainly works. It doesn't totally brainwashes people, but there is a significant amount of times where an attractive person can sway a customer to buy a certain product. That's why good looking salesgirls are an important part of any shopping counter. We're subconsciously more likely to let our guard down around good looking people - and its perfectly normal ^^

Ok, maybe you have full control over your senses and you're not materialistic or perverted or whatever. Good for you~ You're awesome and have transcended base human urges *o* I'm jealous .w. I'd love to shake your hand but I wouldn't want to defile it with my unworthy paws ;o;

But for the vast majority of people out there, the sales tactic of using beautiful people to promote products is totally plausible, and you know what is the main driver of economies in large first world countries such as America? Consumer spending. That's how I came up with the bold claim that beautiful people are one of the main drivers of economies *o*

..wait, what is this bullshit? Sure, beautiful people sell certain products, it helps a product stand out from its competitors that don't use beautiful looking packages, but what if nobody makes use of our basic instinct of letting our guard down in front of an attractive person, what if they all used normal packaging?

That would be true, making my point not very strong,.. IF the products that are being sold are things we always need like food, toiletries and (basic) clothes, BUT, most of the products that take advantage of this part of human nature are products that we don't need. That's right, beautiful people not only persuade you to choose certain products over others, but they also persuade you to buy things that you don't necessarily need.

While this might enrage you because it sounds like a whole marketing ploy to siphon all your money (and it is, really :P) it is also ultimately a 'good thing', because the more consumers spend, the more the economy develops ^o^ causing ... good things to happen for a country's economy, preventing stuff like price hikes, wars and.. okay this is obviously uncharted territory for me +_+ someone get this guy into an economics class +o+

Heh.. that's about it, I guess. On a more personal note, attractive people are said to actually make people feel better. If you spend your time looking at attractive people, your brain excretes a certain hormone that makes you happy and ultimately helps relieve stress, avoid heart conditions and helps blood circulation ^^ So don't tell me that fangirling over SNSD is bad for my health >:O The only bad thing that might happen is that I might get smile lines near my eyes and cheeks because I'm smiling too much ^_^ hee

*gets smacked* wokey, that's it for today folks :3 thanks for reading~